Breakfast featuring a hangover -6-

Începe de la început

When I opened the door the cool morning air greeted me. It was at that moment that I remembered something important.

I didn't have a car.

Gee, thanks mom. She insisted I didn't need a car of my own, even though I was nearing eighteen. She didn't seem to understand the importance of it, it was kind of a rite-of-passage. The majority of my friends had cars. They had had them since they passed drivers-ed. It was embarrassing to have to ask for a ride all the time.

I wasn't about to go back inside and ask one of them to take me home. My pride would not allow that. So I texted Dannie.


She texted back surprisingly fast.

The one and only.

Can you come pick me up... please?

Yah, but where exactly are you?

Sebastian's house.

Is that where you went last night?

I guess.

You don't know?

It's your fault for letting me drink. Now can you do me a favor, get your butt out of Luke's bed... AND GET OVER HERE

Don't forget who's in charge, if you're mean to me I might not come... JK Be there in five :-P


"Alright. Get out." Dannie may have been nice over text messages and in the comfort of Luke's bed, but in the flesh she was tired and grumpy. She ran a hand through her flame colored hair before gesturing for me to get out. Knowing how she was in the morning, I didn't comment on it.

"Thanks for picking me up." I said. Dannie grunted in response as I exited the car. She sped off the instant I was out. Some friend. Using the spare key hidden in the plant beside the door, I unlocked the door and nearly ran into Keith. I shut the door and walked around him, not even bothering to greet him.

He didn't seem to mind though. After our conversation a few days ago, he had been leery of me. And I was okay with me. The less we interacted, the better.

After stepping around Keith, I retreated to the safety of my room. After realizing that I had nothing better to do, I decided to take a shower. The hot water was relaxing to my sore muscles. Maybe it was the water itself, or all the steam flowing up beside me, but I felt like something was materializing in my mind. It had something to do with me staggering into  Sebastian's room and... a glass of water?

Whatever it was, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. I wasn't really bothered by it, Sebastian told me I didn't do anything crazy, so that was the end of it. What had most likely happened was he had taken me to his house, put me in his bed with some water, then I passed out. If Noel hadn't walked in the room when Sebastian was explaining, I would probably know the full story, but I bet that was along the lines of what happened.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I went back into my room and searched for something to put on. "CAMERON?" My mother called up to me. "CAN YOU COME DOWN STAIRS AND HELP ME WITH SOMETHING?"

"YES MA'AM." I called back. Yes ma'am, I'll come cater to your every whim.

I pulled on a T-shirt over my boxers and went down stairs. My mother was seated on the couch dressed in "casual" wear. She had on a light blue calf-length dress and cream colored wedges. "Can you tell me which looks better?"

I slid down beside her and glanced at what was on the table. Some project designes. "I have to judge which structure works better for the building we're putting up in our second division. I can't decide if I like this promotion or not. I have to reject one of these proposals..." She sighed. "Both of them are pretty good."

I studied the blueprints for a minute or two. I didn't know a lot about architecture, but I knew some basics. "Well the one on the right has structure support, which is good for earthquakes and natural disasters... and it has sun panels, which is eco friendly. The left has neither so the right's a better choice." She smiled at me. A real smile.

"Thank you, Cameron."

"You're welcome." I stood and left her to look over her sheets. Right before I went up the stairs, there was a knock on the door.

"Can you get that?" My mother hollered.

Sighing, I went to the door, and without asking, "Who is it?" pulled it open. To my surprise, it was Sebastian. A faint smile rested on his lips as he extended his arm. I looked down at it, he was holding my beanie. "You left this here. I thought you would want it back."

"Thanks. I forgot to ask you for it before I left." He gave a slight nod. The caramel colored highlights in his hair stood out in the sunlight. He made me feel small. Well, most people did because of how short I was but he made me feel smaller than normal. What was it about him that was so different? So different from everyone else? What was it?

Oh wait, it was everything. Everything about him so different. It wasn't even just because he was foreign. It just... him. So Sebastian. From the streaks in his hair to the ever-changing color of his eyes.

"CAMERON?" My mother called from the living room. "WHO'S AT THE DOOR?" That snapped me out of my stupor.

"Oh it's just my friend." My "special friend", to quote Noel. Sebastian was special alright. That much was true.

"Why don't you invite them inside for lunch?"

I gave Sebastian a questioning look. He gave me a full smile and said, "We already had breakfast together, so why not lunch?"

Yes, why not?


Kind of a filler. More shall come in the next chapter. Which ship name is better?

I don't do hashtages but this feels appropriate: #Camebastian #Cabastian #Camstian #Seberon

I didn't feel like posting and I was having all TYPES of issues over this but I'm glad I got this out of the way to make room for more... *rubs hands together gleefully * Yes, I see it all coming together now! AHAHAHAHA! *coughs* anyway...


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