Chapter 18

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Two weeks had passed and Karen was feeling better about everything. She decided that whatever happens, would happen for a reason and if this baby wasn't meant to be they would work on another one. She couldn't keep feelings or stress bottled up and let the days flow by. The regular season had wound down and the Pens managed to bump themselves into fourth place and well into the playoff picture. Karen knew Sidney would be in the mood to celebrate and since they held off having sex, she figured it would be as good a time as any to see if she was truly ok within her pregnancy.

Sidney came home from the store to make dinner for their parents. Trina and Troy were coming down for the first round of the playoffs and he decided to make them dinner so they could tell them the good news. Karen went into the kitchen to help make dinner but Sidney ushered her out mumbling that dinner was a surprise for her as well. She smiled and kissed his cheek before going to watch TV. After twenty minutes, the door bell rang and Karen went to answer it revealing both sets of parents.

"Hi baby girl" Karen's mom said greeting her with a hug "I am so glad we all get to have a nice dinner before the hectic playoffs start."

"Me too. Hi daddy" she said hugging him next. Karen was happy that her dad recovered fully from his heart surgery but she still saw signs of him not being able to do a lot of what he was before.

"How's my girl?"

"I'm ok." Karen stepped back and smiled at Trina and Troy before hugging both of them "how was the trip down?"

"It was nice. Glad we finally get a chance to spend some time together Karen" Trina said.

"I know, but we'll have to change that soon." A minute later Sidney came out of the kitchen to greet his parents and in-laws. They all went into the living room to sit and catch up before dinner was ready. Karen kept waiting for Sidney to say something but wondered if he was going to wait until they started eating.

While they were in the middle of dinner, Sidney got everyone's attention. "There was a reason I got everyone here for dinner tonight. I have some news and we wanted to wait until we knew there was something to tell."

"What's going on son?" Troy asked hoping it was good news.

"Well everyone, it looks like Karen and I have decided to bless our family and give you guys that grandchild you all have been wanting."

"Are you serious?" Trina said excitedly.

"My baby is going to have a baby?" her mom said on the verge of tears.

"Yes. Sid and I wanted to wait until we knew I was far enough along to tell everyone."

"How far along Karen?" her mom asked with anticipation.

"7 weeks."

"Oh my god" she said getting up to hug her daughter "I knew this would happen for you two."

"Really now?"

"Oh stop, you wanted this too sweetie."

"Hoped was more like it." She got out of the hug with her mom into the arms of Trina then Troy. They all offered their congratulations before sitting back down. Sidney held onto her hand as they finished eating. The conversation geared from the playoffs to the baby.

"Did your doctor give you a due date?"

"She will give me a more definite one next week but she hinted around Thanksgiving."

"You have another appointment next week?" Sidney asked concerned.

"I want to make sure everything is fine Sid and if going every week will help that I will."

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