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Nana POV

I held onto his warm hands as he walks me home. I knew my mom wasn't home yet but we decided to go earlier.

I give him a good bye kiss and enter my house. I dashed straight into my room to text my best friend, Jessie, what happened today.


"Yooo. He did? Really????" Jessie nags me.

"Yep! Jelly????" I answered, laughing.

"Tsk." She sucks her teeth.

We turned the corner of the hallway. It was loud since it was the free time we had between classes.

"Look!" Jessie squeals as she sees the popular boys of the school. They were apparently called 'PENTAGON' and they were always together.

Yeo One. Yuto. Jinho. E'dawn. Kino. YanAn. HongSeok. ShinWon.

They were the 'members.' Jessie has a HUGE crush on Jinho.

Yeo One POV

"Jessie! Stop daydreaming. Let's go," a girl says. She was tugging the edge of her friend's shirt.

I stared at her. Then I realized that she was Kwon Nana.

I suddenly remembered.

My phone.

Those pictures...

Yes. That's her alright.

Nana POV

I felt a tap on my shoulder. A girl passes me a note.

Notes? We're not supposed to be passing notes. Especially not in math...

The student motions for me to open and read the note. And so I did.

Kwon Nana,

I hope you are able to come meet me at the schoolyard. The one behind the school. Come today, right afterschool. I have something to discuss with you. Anyways I'll be waiting for your arrival.

-Yeo One

I was confused. Yeo One was one of the popular kids, why is he asking for me??? I'm pretty much the average kid. I guess I might as well meet him.


I walked through the door to the playground. I saw Yeo One standing there with his hands in his pockets. I crumbled the note in my hands.

"Ah. You're here," he says, taking a step towards me. He digs into his pockets as if he was looking for something. He pulls out 5 photos and throws it at me. 

They all landed on the ground, making me bend down to pick them up. I stared at every one of them. It was of ME AND WOOSEOK- OPPA. "What do you want?" I growled.

He smirked. "YO, girl. You know who YanAn is right?"

I made a face and nodded my head. "Why?"

"He likes you. If you don't want me to tell your parents, date him."

I just stared at him. He didn't look like he was joking. 

"I'm serious," he continues. "So you better break up with that boyfriend of yours. I'll give you 4 days to do that, so by Monday, be prepared."

And with those words, he walks away with his hands in his pocket. Shocked, I only stared at him as he walks away.

4 days, huh? What should I do? I love Wooseok so much. 

Tears roll down my cheeks. I guess its goodbye to us, Oppa.

A/N: I'm really excited for this book >~<

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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