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Nana POV

"Wooseok, I'll have to see you tomorrow. My mom is coming home early today," I say as I give him a peck on his cheek.

"Bye," he says sadly. He slowly lift his arm to wave.

I waved back as I scurried home. Wooseok was 18 and I was 17. We were dating even though we went to different schools. My mother doesn't know about this and she never will. That's basically the main reason, none of my friends know either. This was a complete secret.

I unlocked the door to my house. I quickly put my bag down then I jumped onto the couch and turned the tv on. My mom walked in 5 minutes later.

"Aishhh. My back. I can't even move my legs," my mom says as she streches. She was a waitress so she was always running around. Usually she comes home early, so I have to watch the time.

"Did anything happen today? Did you do something bad?" She asks. "Tsk, did you even finish your homework?" She eyes me, her eyes scanning from my head to toe. She probably thought that I had been in this position since I came home which was partially true, I guess.

"Yes," I lied. Truthfully, I always do my homework at school in the morning.

Her phone starts to ring. "Hello?....Yes.....Ok.....Ah, I see......Ok, be safe! Bye!"

"Was that appa?" I ask. "What happened?"

"Overtime today."

"Again?" I asked. Today was the 3rd day in a row.

"Kwon Nana!Don't you see how much work we have to do to take care of you?! And all you do is lay around doing nothing! You're such a lazy girl! Why can't you just be like your sister or brother?!"

I ignored her. Today was just another day, she had said this to me. I headed upstairs. On my way to my room, I could hear my brother playing games on his IPAD. He was so focused. So, you want me to be like that? Sure, then I will...

My brother and sister was older than me. My sister was at a boarding school in China. My brother just decided to stay in Busan so he didn't have to travel far to get to school. He's even lazier than me...

I ran into my room and plopped myself right now on my bed. Why do you hate me so much? I didn't even do anything to you! I didn't even asked to be born...Its your own fault for giving birth to me.

Ding~ Ding~

It had came from my phone. Wooseok.

Salty.Seok: Wyd

Salty.Seok: Answerrrrrr

I laughed at his username. Noiceeee

BaNaNa: nothing

Salty.Seok: I wished u couldve stayed longer :(

BaNaNa: Ikr :(

Salty.Seok: So, when do you want to meet up tmr

BaNaNa: Ummmm Idk wen my mom gonna get off work tmr

Salty.Seok: Kk, text me when u find out :)

A/N: A peaceful chapter? Things are gonna stay normal for awhile ;)

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