14- Avery

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| Caleb |

I couldn't believe it. That was music to my ears; and it was the best music I've ever heard.

Avery was awake. After months in a coma, my wife was awake.

I couldn't wait to tell her how much I loved and missed her. I couldn't wait to tell her about our son, and how much he looked like her. How much of a blessing it was to her awake again.

Most of all, I couldn't wait to have her in my arms again. To kiss her again, just to have her at home. She was my world and my everything, and now she was awake.


Avery's eyes lit up as they landed on me. Her doctor was explaining something to her, but she was now tuning him out.

"Caleb," she whispered.

Her doctor turned around, and smiled at me. He gave a slight laugh, "I see Liliah called you, Mr. Grimm."

"Y-Yeah." I nodded.

"I'll let you two be alone for a while. Just yell if you need me, if not, I'll be back in an hour." He offered, smiling brightly at me.

"Thank you," I murmured.

"Caleb," Avery repeated.

I slowly made my way to the side of her bed. Slowly I took her hand, being careful not to hurt her fractured wrist.

"Baby," I smiled.

I leaned down, attempting to hug her. Avery wrapped her arms around me as I buried my face into her neck.

"I love you," she stated.

I swallowed and tears came to my eyes. Hearing her say that, it was the best thing ever.

"I love you so much." I choked out, "I missed you so much."

I pulled back slightly, seeing Avery smile at me. She gently stroked my cheek and reached up, kissing me. Oh, how missed feeling her lips against mine.

"I was told that I've been out for almost nine months." She muttered.

"Y-Yeah. You've been out since April, and a lots happened." I sighed.

"Sit down," she demanded lightly. "Tell me everything."

I nodded and went around the bed, sitting in the awful hospital chair. I gently took her hand, lacing our fingers.

"Well, Juliet's in second grade now. She misses you so much. Um. We covered your favorite song, Priceless." I started, soon enough that priceless smile was on her face. "We found out that you were pregnant when you had the accident. I was told that the baby died, then about a month later, I was told that he survived."

"He?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. You gave birth to a healthy boy. I named him Phoenix Kane, and he looks so much like you, baby. He was born a little early, so he's kinda small."

"Phoenix Kane? I love that." Avery grinned.

I looked down and smiled, tears now rolling down my cheeks. I gently brought her hand up, kissing her skin.

"I'm sorry. I just missed you, and it was so hard without you." I whispered, "I thought I lost you, and it was my worst nightmare."

Avery giggled, "Caleb Andrew, you can't get rid of me that easily."

I looked up, seeing my bandmates and my two children

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I looked up, seeing my bandmates and my two children. I smiled, their wives coming into view; Brycie & Fallon.

"Momma!" Juliet squealed, running to her bedside. She gently climbed onto the bed and snuggled into Avery's side.

"Hi baby girl." Avery whispered, kissing Juliet's head.

I stood up, and walked over to Fallon, who was cradling Phoenix in her arms. I smiled and gently took him.

"Thank you." I whispered.

She grinned, "No problem."

Phoenix gurgled, and reached his hand up at me. Oh, man, my heart was over flowing with joy.

I carefully walked back over to the chair and sat down. Avery looked at me and gasped.

"That's him?" She asked.

"That's baby Nixie, momma. He's my little brother." Juliet stated proudly.

"Yeah, babe, this is him." I nodded.

"Can we get hugs before she holds the kid all night?" Chad asked.

Avery laughed, "Why not?"

One by one, everyone got to hug Avery. Only she stopped Joey, and made him bend down.

"Yes?" He questioned.

Avery grinned and ruffled his hair, "You've grown, bro. Especially your hair. You look good."

"Thanks, Ave." Joey smiled.

Once everyone backed up, I carefully passed Phoenix into Avery's arms.

Her smile grew and tears rolled down her cheeks. "Hey, baby boy. I know, I'm late to meeting you. You're so beautiful. I finally have my baby boy. I know that you'll grow up into a wonderful man just like your daddy and uncles. I know it. God has big plans for you, baby boy. Mommy loves so much already."

I smiled as Avery leaned down, kissing our son's forehead.

"Thank you, God." I whispered.

I was blessed; so freaking blessed. To have this life, this family, these friends, this career. Everything was a blessing.

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