12- Baby Nixie

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| Caleb |

I smiled down at the little infant in the bassinet. She looked just like her mother. Her brown eyes were light, and she had dark fuzz on the top of her head. She was gorgeous.

Baby Juliet cooed, and lifted her tiny hand up, grabbing my finger.

"Hey there, baby girl." I whispered, "Aren't you just the cutest little thing."

I looked over as Avery gave a slight laugh. She gave me a tired smile, "You're gonna be such a good dad."

I looked back to baby Juliet as she gurgled, and then yawned. Slowly, she had released her grip on my finger, and brought her hand down to her side.

I stepped towards Avery, kissing her forehead.

"You did such a wonderful job, babe." I whispered.


A nurse brought in an object, swaddled tightly in a blue blanket. I grinned, my baby boy was finally here.

Once the infant was handed to me, the nurse rushed off. Little Phoenix Kane was brought into the world a bit earlier than planned.

I never really understood the feeling that having a child gave. It was this little person that my wife and I made. It made my heart swell.


I looked up at the doorway, seeing my little sister and my daughter. Charis smiled at me.

"Is that him?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Go to your daddy, Juliet." Charis whispered.

Juliet nodded, and slowly walked towards me. Carefully, I kneeled down on the floor.

"Who's that?" Juliet asked.

I smiled, "He's your baby brother. Baby Nixie."

Juliet gasped and smiled as she peeked at him.

"He looks like momma." She grinned, looking up at me.

I couldn't help it, but my smile grew wider. I nodded, and carefully leaned forward, kissing Juliet's forehead.

"You both look your mom so much." I whispered.

"Can I hold him?" She asked.

After a while, Charis took Juliet home for me, and baby Nixie was taken back to the nursery

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After a while, Charis took Juliet home for me, and baby Nixie was taken back to the nursery. So, I decided to visit my wife for a little while.

I swallowed, entering her room. Her pale skin stood out, and her dark hair was still greasy, but the love of my life was still beautiful in my eyes.

I stepped into her room, and walked around her bed, sitting in the chair. I smiled slightly and gently took Avery's hand.

"Oh, baby." I whispered, "We had our baby boy today. Juliet was so happy, and she even said that our little boy looks like you. I really hope you like the name Phoenix Kane. Juliet insists on calling him Nixie." I laughed slightly, "Every time she says Nixie, I can't stop thinking about President Nixon. I don't know. I miss you baby. I miss you so very much. It kills me to see you lying here, and I can't do a single to help. But I'm trying to remain faithful to God and his plan. Just please. Continue to fight, because I love you, you and our beautiful kids complete me."

I sighed, my thumb running over the back of Avery's hand. Memories flying through my mind.

I closed my eyes, and brought Avery's hand up, gently kissing it. For moment, everything felt normal. I could almost hear her say, I love you.

I had hope for a moment. I could feel God's hands on me; him telling me that everything was going to be alright. For the first in a long time, I had complete faith in Him. My wife was going to survive this, I knew it.

That next morning, after taking Juliet to school, the guys came over to the hospital to see Nixie

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That next morning, after taking Juliet to school, the guys came over to the hospital to see Nixie.

Alan was currently holding him, and gently bouncing him in his arms. Phoenix was quiet for the most part, other than the occasional gurgle.

"He's definitely a little blessing." Alan smiled, "He's like the perfect combo of you and Avery."

"Thanks. Juliet thinks he looks like Avery more." I shrugged.

"Either way, he's gonna grow up into a great person. Especially with you and Avery as his parents." Joey stated.

"Thanks man." I grinned, "I appreciate that, a lot."

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