The rest of the day went quickly after breakfast and soon Alex was taking me back to his house. It was only 5 pm but it was already really dark outside. "Did you have a good day?" Alex asked, one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding mine gently. "Yeah, I think I gained like 50 pounds though. Would you still love me if I was fat?" I asked and Alex laughed loudly. "Of course I would, I love you no matter what you look like." Alex told me sweetly and I smiled. When we pulled up to his house it was dark and I was kind of scared knowing that Rian wasn't there. I knew Alex wouldn't pressure me to do anything; it wasn't him who I didn't trust. We were like two magnets, I always felt myself being to drawn Alex no matter how hard I tried to stop myself. There was just something about him, I wanted him as close to me as possible always.

I helped Alex carry his gifts inside quickly, both of us trying to get out of the icy wind as fast as we could. Alex flicked on the light as we shrugged off our jackets and kicked off our snowy shoes. "I'll take these upstairs and be right back." he said taking the gifts from me and disappearing from sight. I looked around for a moment and then went to walk into the living room. My fuzzy socks slid as I did so and I giggled. I listened for any sound of Alex and when I didn't hear him I slid across the hardwood floor.

*Alex's POV*

I walked downstairs after throwing my gifts on my bed and I heard a laugh. I slowed down and began tip toeing through the house. I peeked around the corner and saw Leah slide across the floor. I laughed just as she slide back towards me, lost her balance and fell back on her butt. I laughed harder as she turned red and quickly climbed to her feet. I slid across the floor towards her and she smiled as I stopped before I could crash into her. "Fun, right?" she asked and I nodded. "Loads of fun." I answered and let go of her for a moment to go turn on the stereo. "Dance with me? Pleaseee?" I begged as I slid back to her.

"I can't dance." Leah said shaking her head. "Yeah you can, stand on my feet." I instructed and she gave me a weird look. ""I'm serious, do it." I encouraged her and she stepped onto my feet. I wrapped my arms around her and began to dance around the room, holding her close to me. She leaned her head back and laughed as I dipped her down. "See, you can dance." I told her as I lifted her back up and started dancing again. "You're silly Alexander." Leah giggled and she rested her head on my shoulder, looking up at me with what looked like pure love. "Leah-boo, you're beautiful, you know that right?" I questioned and she wrinkled her nose. "You're handsome Lex, you know that right?" she asked and I nodded. "I'm sexy, I know." I said and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"I would say the fame has gotten to you but you've always been a bit conceited." Leah said and I frowned. Leah laughed though and I knew she was kidding so I smiled. I put my hands on her hips and lifted her up; Leah quickly locked her hands behind my neck and wrapped her legs around my hips. Our faces were now level and I brought my lips to hers. At first the kiss was innocent but then Leah gently brought her tongue across my bottom lip. I opened my mouth a bit, letting her tongue slid in as I felt behind me for the couch. Once I found it I fell back onto it while never breaking the kiss.

I was going to whine when she broke the kiss but when her lips connected with my neck I stopped. She bit down hard and then quickly sucked where she had bitten me, which felt amazing. I had just reached my hands under her shirt when she pulled back. "Wait, I'm sorry Alex." she said while pushing my hands away and quickly climbing off of me. "What? What's wrong?" I asked sitting up and grabbing her hand before she could walk away. I couldn't read the emotions on her face for once and I hoped she would tell me what was on her mind because at the moment I was clueless. I thought everything was going good.

"Talk to me Leah, I can't read your mind." I told her pulling her so she fell back into my lap. She squirmed under my gaze and I looked down at her hand that was in mine hoping she would be able to talk easier if I wasn't staring at her. "I don't want to do anything sexual, I've lived without it for 6 months and if we do it now then it'll just make me miss you more when I have to go home." Leah said softly and I looked up at her. I pulled her so she was lying down on top of me, her head beneath my chin. "We don't have to do anything, we can just hangout." I said after kissing the top of her head. "Thanks Alex." she said before yawing widely. "You tired?" I asked and she shrugged.

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