October 3, 2012

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October 3,2012

Adam POV

I wake up with a pounding heading and pain searing in my left arm. Oh, and someone's just making my headache worse by pounding on the door.

"Fuck off." My speech is slurred. Great. It's obvious I've been drinking.

"ADAM!" Oh it's Brad. Even better.

"Fuck off Brad." I try to make myself sound sober, but fail.

"Get your ass out here. Now."

"How about you learn some fucking manners and leave me alone."

"Adam, come on."

"Go fuck yourself man. I'm trying to sleep." And with that, I hear him leave.

I sit up and grab the bottle, going back to how I was sitting last night. After drinking for probably about twenty minutes, I replace the bottle with the razor. I flip it in my hands a few times.

I dig the razor into my healing skin. I push the blade in until the pain is unbearable and it takes all I have to not make some kind of noise. But that doesn't stop me from doing it again. And again. And again. Repeating it until I reach my tattoos, blood pouring out.

It takes all I have left of the tissues to get the bleeding to stop, and I look at my arm, smeared with fresh and dried blood, and see how bad it really looks, but I really don't care. What I do care about is my shirt. Of course, I had to wear white last night, and now that's completely covered in blood. But, I really don't care anymore. I grab the bottle and start drinking.

Knowing that we probably won't be stopping at a hotel tonight, I save some of the whiskey for later, and now I'm just sitting with my head in my hands. But then I remember that I keep my acoustic back here, so I slowly make my way over to where it is, and back to my spot on the couch, and let me just say that being drunk and being on a moving bus really don't go together.

I start playing the beginning of Never Too Late, and sing, even though I know it probably sounds horrible to the guys since I've been drinking, but I don't care what they think anymore.

This world will never be, what I expected,

And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?

I will not leave alone, everything that I own,

To make you feel like it's not too late, it's never too late.

Even if i say, it'll be alright,

Still I hear you say, you want to end your life,

Now and again we try, to just stay alive,

Maybe we'll turn it around because it's not too late, it's never too late

No one will ever see, this side reflected,

And if there's something wrong, who would have guessed it?

And I have left alone, everything that I own,

To make you feel like it's not too late, it's never too late

Even if I say, it'll be alright,

Still I hear you say, you want to end your life,

Now and again we try, to just stay alive,

Maybe we'll turn it around because it's not too late, it's never too late

The world we knew won't come back,

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