10 Months Before

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Ten months beforehand was a pretty good time for Harry and I. I was getting to know him and he was getting to know me. We had a pretty good friendship going on. He didn't know however that I was beginning to wish for something more. How could someone not want something as perfect as Harry? I didn't know at the time that he shared the same feelings. This was also about the time mum convinced me to join X Factor.

"Louis!" My mum's voice had shouted over the television which was telling us the weather. It was meant to be cold, as usual.

"Come here I have something I want to show you!" I got off the couch and entered the kitchen where my mum was leaning on the bench, looking at her laptop.

"Yeah?" I asked her standing next to her looking at the computer screen. It said in large red letters X Factor UK Auditions.

"I want you to sign up this year." Mum said looking at me, whilst I was gawking at the computer screen. X Factor? Does she think I'm going to develop magical singing skills by next June? I don't have that much skill nor do I have experience. (Looking at the audition tape now I agree with my past thoughts, my audition was horrible) 

"I don't think so mum. I'm not that good really." She raised one eyebrow at me and shook her head.

"You are though Louis. I'm not just acting like an overproud mother here. I'm being really honest. You have it." It?

"What is it?" I asked her looking back at the screen. So many people who had more talent than me have never made it to the judges, so what point is there wasting my time by signing up? Maybe I'll get on tv as a joke audition.

"The X Factor" Mum stage whispers and did spirit fingers by her hips. I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head again.

"Maybe your boyfriend will audition this year too. You told me he is quite good" Mum says daring me to deny that he was my boyfriend.

"He isn't my boyfriend mum and yes he is way better than me. He could make it, but I don't think I'm there." I wasn't even lying. Even at the beginning of our friendship I knew Harry would make it big.

"Just ask him" She said and walked off shouting at Lottie for not doing her homework which was still on the bench.

I walked up to my bedroom and got my phone off my desk. I had one text from Harry that asked if I wanted to watch him and his band rehearse. But I remember not wanting to go for once because I was actually starting to develop a crush on him, and I didn't want it to be too obvious. So I said something about a project that I had to finish, when really I had nothing to do at all.

A day later I texted Harry asking him about the X Factor and if he wanted to audition. He replied almost immediately saying

"Yes but do you think that my band will think that I'm abandoning them? xx" Harry still sent the x's but I'm still not sure if it is still just a habit or if it's deliberate. I replied saying to him:

"Of course not! They would want what is best for you! :)" Which was true. Those guys really liked him and would understand if he went to find his own future. He replied to me a couple of minutes later saying:

"Then yeah I might. Mum's been trying to convince me, will you?" I thought about it for at least ten minutes before replying:

"My mum has been trying to get me to audition too and I think I will" I opened up my laptop and typed in Google 'X Factor audition' it came up with the form. I printed it out and started to fill it in.

Name: Louis William Tomlinson

Age: 18

D.O.B 24/12/1991

I filled out the whole sheet including why I thought I had the X Factor. If I was being honest, I would have written "I don't" but instead I wrote "Because I have wanted to do this my whole life and I'm willing to do anything to get there."

Little did I know that I was really going to be tested on that promise. I posted the form off and decided not to tell mum in case I didn't get an email back from them. There was no point raising her hopes on this.  A few minutes after sending the letter my phone went off saying I got another text from Harry and it said:

"I don't think they like my kind though. Nobody gets famous if you're like me" What is he on about? His kind? (He is still worried about this and I just log onto twitter and show him his countless followers)

"Your kind? What are you talking about Haz?" He was making it sound like he wasn't human!

"Don't you know? I thought I had brought it up." He replied and then sent another text saying 

"I'm gay"


Hey guys,

I got one vote! I'm pretty sure who it was, but I'm keeping my three vote target until I reach it then I'll update. Or the 6/6/14. Whichever comes first. (Hopefully the target)

Any guesses on the songs yet? It'll become more obvious further into the story,

What do you think 'before' is talking about??

Comment any improvement ideas!

Love ya'll (Lol American much?)

Nikki xx

Love Is EasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora