Daddy Malik: Chapter 1

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Daddy Malik: Chapter 1

I woke up the next morning feeling all happy. Hm, I wonder why? Oh yeah I was texting Liam all last night before I fell asleep. He's such a gentleman and weird. I swung my legs off my bed and took a quick shower before the twins get up. I remember when I first had them. Everyone was saying how I was going to drop out and how I'm a slut. Now look, I'm raising two beautiful girls with a high school diploma and a scholarship to Kirsten Dance Studio University, my dream school.

Should I named the twins last name their fathers or just stick to mines? I honestly don't know. Georgia said us mines since their father is not in their life. Yeah and all but what if he was? Ugh I shouldn't be thinking about this, I already did it. I put some skinny jeans on and a grey Micky mouse shirt. I did my hair into a high pony tail. I put a bit of make up on then some socks.

Now time to make breakfast. I went out into the kitchen and made some pancakes with bacon, my girls favorite breakfast. My phone ranged, it was Liam.

Lily- Hello
Liam- Hey Lily
Lily- Hey Liam
Liam- May I ask you a question
Lily- Sure
Liam- I know we just met yesterday but I was asking if maybe you and the twins want to go out and do something today?
Lily- Yeah, that'll be fun
Liam-Yeah it would, it's 10am, I'll be there at 11, if that's fine with you
Lily- It is
Liam-Ok well see you then
Lily- Yeah bye
Liam- Bye

I sat my phone down and took the girls plates to the table. Time to wake them up. They hate being woken up unless there's a good reason. I walked into their room and kneed down between both beds. "Jaelyn, Jasmine, wake up dears."I said. No movement. I sigh and shook them a little. "Mummy, stop, I'm tired."Jasmine rolls over. "Oh ok, I wonder who'll get those pancakes and bacon on the table."I smirked. Both girls jumped up and ran into the kitchen. I knew it would work, like always.

I smile to myself and follow them. Both already at the table eating. "Thwwk muwwy."They said with their mouth full. I laughed and took a quick picture and post it on Twitter.

They're loving the breakfast I cooked

I ate my pancakes and bacon. "Girls, do you want to hang out with Liam today?"I asked. They both look at me, with a smile while nodding furiously. "I love Liam, he cool!"Jaelyn says, with her sister agreeing to that. I smile and put their dirty plates in the sink.

"Go into the bathroom and start running water then wait for me ok?"I said. They nodded and ran off. I quickly washed the dishes and walked in the bathroom. You might think I'm a bad parent for letting them start the water by themselves but they know how to.

I put some bubbles in and move my arm around the water. It's nice and warm, perfect temperature. I took off the girls clothes and sat them in. They played around while I washed each of their hair. It's sometimes hard to tell them apart but I know a way. Jaelyn has brownish blueish eyes while Jasmine have light brown eyes. And Jaelyn is a bit more crazy than Jasmine like Jaelyn ain't afraid to do most stuff while Jasmine is kinda is but their both crazy and weird.

I got them both out and wrapped them in towels. I picked them both up and went into their room. I dried them off and gave them their undies.

Bring your swimsuits-Liam

Well I guess we're going swimming. I picked out their tiger swimsuits. It's my favorite on them.

"Girls, take your undies off, we're going swimming today!"I excitedly said. They cheered and took them off. I handed them their swimsuits. They slipped it on and I put them on a blue jean skirt that spins out and a tiger shirt on with their gladiators.

WritingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora