Some One Direction fanfic i made

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"IM ALWAYS IN HER SHADOW! I HAVE TO BE LIKE HER WHEN SHE WAS 13! I HAVE TO BE PERFECT LIKE! IM NOT PERFECT!" I yelled at Harry. He's face flushed then got really red. His eyes got dark green, like it became black. I looked over at Niall, who was crying on Zayns shoulder.

"YEAH BECAUSE PAISLEY IS PERFECT TEENAGER EVERYONE WANTS. NOBODY WANTS A BRATTY FUCKING GIRL LIKE YOU CHLOE! JUST BECAUSE YOUR DAMN DADDY SPOILED YOU BEFORE HE LEFT YOU DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN ACT LIKE A BRAT. FIRST MY GIRLFRIEND THEN YOUR SISTER. IM TAKING YOU BACK!" His words yelled through the house. All the boys was standing there in shocked. I ran out the house, not looking, not caring. He was supposed to be my "father". Not my step mom.

Louis Pov

"HARRY YOU DONT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THESE GIRLS."I yelled at him. I was coming for a punch but Liam hold my arm.

"I KNOW THAT I DONT WANT CHLOE ASS NO MORE!"He shouts at me and him and Paisley went out the door and drove off. "We have to find Chloe!"I panicked.

"Louis we don't know where she's at?"Zayn says, hugging Niall. "I think I have an idea where. Liam grab the keys, we're heading downtown." Liam nods and grab the keys.

Chloe Pov
I ran downtown and sat on the water fountain. I stood up and closed my eyes and sung Who You Are by Jessie J. I sung the lyrics, when I peaked and open, there was a crowd around me smiling. I open my eyes fully and sung my heart out. They clapped, some even recorded it.

When I was done, everyone clap and cheered. Some asked for pictures. "Chloe."I saw it was Louis. I ran to him and gave him a hug. The boys came around so it was one big group hug. I see the boys were crying. "Chloe you scared us all."Niall wiped his tears. I smiled. Nice to know someone cares.

"We all care about you Chloe. You know how Harry says he's going to take you back."Louis says, I looked down and slowly nodded. He lifted my chin up and looked me in the eyes. "I'm going to adopt you and the boys except Harry are going to be your brothers since they said being uncles make them sound really old." We laughed.

Zayn picked me up. "I'm not a baby Zayn!"I shouted. He just chuckles. "You're our little baby and will always be."He kissed my cheek then each boy did. Liam took me out of Zayn's arms.

"Ok I don't need to be picked up, I'm a big girl."I pouted. Liam didn't listen to but he smiled as he carried me to the car. "You have a very amazing too Chloe!" Niall smiles at me. The other boys agreed. "Eh i don't know Paisley says I-Shut up don't take about Paisley. I know how she's been treating you lately, like bullshit aye. She really think she can get away with it."Zayn says, cracking his knuckles. What is he going to do, knock her out.

We got back to the house. I guess Harry and Paisley is gone. "I'll order some pizza, the rest go put on some pj. Its movie night for us!"Liam says, excitedly. We all ran upstairs to our room. "CAN WE POP POPCORN?"I hear Niall yell. Liam sighs really loud. "Sure Niall."He yells back. I laughed. I can tell Niall is happy, I can hear him dancing in his room.

I slipped into my Disney onesie. You can guess who get me this. I ran back downstairs and jump on top of Niall and Louis. They groans in pain while I laughed. "That-that hurts."Louis fell to the floor, acting like he's dead. Niall just laid there. "Woah what happened here?"Liam asked. "I jumped on top of them now they're moaning in "pain"."I said. He nodded was on.

The door bell ranged and Niall jumped out like someone just stabbed his butt. He ran to the door and opened it. It's the pizza guy. Liam gave Niall the money to give to the guy. Niall paid and slammed the door and ran into the kitchen. "Wow Niall."I said. He ignored me and was already eating. "PIZZAS HERE!"I yelled through the house. Everyone ran from different directions. Damn ok then.

We got our pizza and ate in the living room while watching Grown Ups. "Chloe pack your bags, you're coming back with me. This is why nobody likes you."I turned to see Ms.Grim Reaper standing there, with her little stupid smirk. Along with Harry and Paisley. 

Louis got up. "Actually Ms. Grimmers, she's my daughter. I want to the court and did everything to transfer her from Harry to me. She's now Chloe Rae Tomlinson so she's staying. A bye bye."Louis slammed the door in her face. "What, you did that stuff already. When?"I asked.

"Before today when Harry was treating you bad. You needed a good father, not your a step mother."He said. I smile and gave him a hug.

"Well then, I guess I'll be moving with my beautiful, talented daughter Paisley."Harry rolled his eyes.

"We have a concert tomorrow and we have sound check early that day so there's no point of moving right now Harold."Liam told him. Harry just rolled his eyes and went upstairs with his "little princess"

"Don't worry about them Chloe."Niall hugs my side.

Next Day

Liam woke me up this morning and told me to get ready. All I did was take a shower, brushed my teeth, put a sports bra with spandex. Along with sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I'm lazy okay. I throw on my converse and went downstairs. My hair was in a ponytail and it's getting pretty long.

"Morning Chloe."Louis kissed my cheek. "Morning dad."He looked at me shocked then smiled really wide. He poured us some cereal. "Thanks."We ate and talked random stuff as Niall and Zayn came in.

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