Austin Mahone's Type of Girl

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  • Dedicated to Mahomies out there! ♥

This page is a collection of things Austin has said about his ideal girl, and what kind of boyfriend he would be:

He likes an adventurous girl with a sense of humour and a nice smile.

He has said he would date a fan.

He most often says he likes a girl with nice eyes and a nice smile.

He thinks that every girl is beautiful because they are all unique.

His celebrity crush is Kendall Jenner.

He would like a girl to let him know if she likes him, just like his song “Say Somethin’

He would like to date someone who is creative like him.

He would like a girl that can make him laugh.

In one interview he said he would like someone that is both adventurous and fun.

He wants a girl who understands him.

Someone who like him for who he is and what he does.

He likes Stefanie Scott from A.N.T. Farm on Disney.

He likes girls who are happy and sweet.

He wants someone who is loyal.

It is important for her to be sincere.

He wouldn’t like it if she was on her phone during a date.

Having no manners is a turn off to him.

Doesn’t mind what she wears as long as she is comfortable.

He likes getting compliments.

His favourite compliments are being told he has a good personality or that he’s fun to hang out with.

He thinks relationships should have mutual respect.

He wants someone who will be polite.

He says he would pick brains over beauty.

He likes it when the girl asks the guy out for a change.

He said in a Ustream:

A girl that has a sense of humour, very intelligent, I like intelligent girls. I just like a girl that’s cute and makes me laugh all the time. And uh… is really cool to hang out with and stuff. It doesn’t really matter to me what colour hair is on a girl.

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