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Lindy didn't know what she was walking into that snowy monday evening in Cincinnati. Her arms trembled with nerves as she neared the building that could potentially hold her whole future. Her dream of being a pro wrestler was going to begin today. It was something she had wanted to do ever since she was little, but never got the chance to start. Her father died when she was 10 due to cancer. This devastated Lindy, almost killing her too in the process. She went through years of depression and no matter what medicine or how many therapists she was forced to see, nothing helped. She found comfort in what her and her father bonded over most of all and that was professional wrestling. Her dad and her would stay up for all hours of the night and just watch different matches. He would even give her some of the moves in a pool or when they would jump on the trampoline in their back yard. Her life back then was complete and utter bliss. When her dad died she had been put into foster homes until she was about 18. She was miserable, but always kept that bond her and her father had close to her heart. She had promised herself she would make her life meaningful, that there had to be more than this. Wrestling was the answer and today that would be proven. As she pulled into the parking lot outside Mac Reed's school for professional wrestling, she gripped onto the steering wheel tightly trying to calm herself down. She was terrified and her anxiety definitely was not helping her. Clenching her eyes shut and taking deep breaths, she fought back every urge to put the keys back in the ignition and drive away. If she did then her life would go back to being nothing. She would just be a useless breath of air doing nothing for human kind.

"Breathe Lindy" She whispered to herself.

"You got this bunny" She heard the voice of her father say.

Her eyes immediately snapped open and looked around. His voice was so real that for a second she believed him to be sitting right next to her. Knowing she was just going crazy, she took another deep breath and forced herself out of the car grabbing her work out bag in the process. The cold, crisp air hitting her face as she neared the building. Walking into the building, she immediately stopped in awe as the large ring came into view. The room was small, the wrestling ring being the largest thing there taking over most of the warehouse it was in. Lindy's heart beating extremely fast as she examined the area and noticed the other people in her class. She was the only girl which just increased her anxiety.

"great" she thought to herself and immediately made her way to the back of the room away from everyone and set her bag down.

Quickly getting her clothes out and changing into her work out ones, she made her way back to her bag with her head down trying to not draw attention. That failed though as she felt all eyes on her and she hated it. Grabbing her phone and trying to find something to seem interested in until class started,she flinched when a hand came into her view. Looking away from her phone, a tall muscular man with a cheesy smile looked down at her.

"Hey my name's Alex. You are?" he asked.

She shook his hand softly, "Lindy"

" one of the newer students? Haven't seen you around." He said.

"Yea..first day" She answered nervously.

"Nice, I've been training with Mac for about 2 years now." He smiled proudly.

"Cool...any advice for the first day?" She asked.

"Heat and ice tonight. You're gonna be sore for the first few months, but it'lll be worth it in the end." He said confidentally.

"Promise?" She asked moving a piece of her brown hair away from her face.

"Definitely, c'mon I'll introduce you to the rest of the guys." Alex smiled and started walking towards the group.

She took a deep breath and followed behind him taking her time to take in Alex. He was tall, muscular with blonde hair. He was everything you pretty much thought of when you think pro wrestler. It was kind of intimidating.

"This is Brandon, Jaxon, Rick, and Brady" He said introducing the small group of guys and then turned to 2 others,

"This is Connor and Tyler. It's their first day too. Guys this is Lindy"

She smiled nervously and waved at them feeling completely misplaced. Alex was about to say something else when a rough voice brought everyone to attention.

"Let's get started"

She turned and saw a middle age man, brown hair ending just above his ears, his muscular arms bulging out of his sleeveless shirt standing behind them with his arms crossed.

"Who's that?" she whispered to Alex.

"That's Mac"

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