Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Shelby went up too her bedroom and set her bag down on her bed.  She turned on her laptop and kicked her shoes off.  Then she went down stairs for a snack.

In the kitchen she grabbed the box of Cheerios, her mother had just bought  yesterday, a bowl and a spoon.  She poured the cereal into the bowl grabbed the spoon and started eating.  Well this isn't right.  She thought.  She still wasn't thinking straight because of Peter.

She went to the fridge and opened it up looking for the milk.  She had to do a little digging, but once she got past the leftover meatloaf from last night, she found two milk jugs.  One was half full while the other hadn't been opened.  She grabbed the jug that was only half way full and turned to shut the fridge door when "OWW!"

She had dropped the milk and stepped on some broken glass.  When the jug hit the ground it busted open all over the floor.

Why was there glass on the floor?  She knew she should have left her shoes on. The cut didn't feel that deep though. But now there was a puddle of broken glass, milk, and Shelby's blood all mixed together on the floor.

Great. She thought, Now I gotta clean all this up. She wasn't in the greatest of moods.

Shelby stood up, careful not to get blood everywhere and hopped to the sink.  She pulled the broken glass out of her foot and grabbed some paper towels to clean the blood off.  Once her foot was clean she walked carefully to the drawer they kept their first aid kit in.  She pulled out a big bandage and put it on her foot.  She look at the big mess on the floor then walked back to the sink to grab some paper towels to clean it all up.  Once she got the paper towels wet she started picking up the glass.  When she had all the glass picked up and thrown away, she cleaned up the liquid part of her mess.

Shelby dumped her cereal in the trash and set the bowl and spoon in the sink.  Once she put up the box of cereal, she tidied up the kitchen which look like a tornado had gone through it.  She walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway.  When she reached the living room, she gasped.  Everything was turned upside down and thrown around.  Someone had been in her house.

She realized she didn't have to unlock the front door when she came into her house,  it was already unlocked.  She was about to pick up the house phone when she remembered her father had taken it out and re installed it in the barn, for some unknown reason. 

Wait!  The house wasn't like this when I came in. Is someone in the house ri...

She heard a noise upstairs.  She quietly ran to the front door and slipped on her boots that she had left there yesterday.  Once she was outside, she ran so hard she thought her heart was going to explode.  When she reached the barn, She closed the big door behind her and locked it.  She then ran to the phone on the back wall. 

She picked it up and dialed the familiar number.  The phone rang twice before Shelby's mom picked up the phone.  "Hello?"

"MOM!! SOMEONE IS IN THE HOUSE!! And I'm at home by myself!! Will you please come home? I don't know what to do!"  Shelby said frantically into the phone.  Still breathing hard from running.

"Of course hunny I'll be there in a couple of minutes!"   Her mom said. Then hung up the phone.  Knowing her mom Shelby pulled out her cell,  she didn't know why she hadn't used it to call her mom in the first place, and scrolled down on her contact list.

Once she found Peter she hit call and brought the phone to her ear.  He picked up on the first ring.

"Yeah?"  She heard Peters voice say.

Guardian Angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें