Chapter 1

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Flashback from your POV

Wind was blowing, messing your (h/l) (h/c) hair up. Your 7 years old figure was sitting on a swing in a park, reading a book: (favorite book). Actually it was quite advanced for your age, but you had managed to read it, and right now you were deep in reading. After your moving in the 20th ward, things were getting better: there weren't anymore problems with stronger ghouls and with CCG suspect, and now you were managing to live in peace with humans. Which was easy to you, not having any friend. 

Soon your reading was interrupted by a voice. 

"Hey! You are reading (favorite book)!"

You lifted your gaze from your book and you saw a boy with black, straight hair and dark grey eyes, a slight blush on his cheeks. 

"Oh,'s my favourite book..."

"What a coincidence! It's my favourite too!"

"Oh, well..."you scratched the back of your neck sheepishly, not knowing what to say. 

"Oh! By the way, I'm Kaneki Ken, what's your name?"

"I'm (l/n) (f/n), nice to meet you" you said. 

"I have never seen you around...are you new here?" Kaneki asked, curiosity glimmering in his eyes. 

"Well, actually yes. We just moved here" you said, a giggle escaping from your lips. 

You continued to chat about random things, mostly about books, finding out that you shared the same taste. It was nice. 

"How old are you?" you suddenly asked out of the blue. 

"I'm 10, you?"

"I'm 7"

After that, there was a minute of silence, until... 

"(f/n)-chan! Look!" Kaneki said, pointing at the sky. 

You hadn't realised that it was already the sunset. You and Kaneki had talked all the afternoon. 

He stood up, helping you also. 

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, (f/n), I hope we will see each other soon" Kaneki said smiling and blushing a little. 

"Yeah, me too... Kane-kun" you said, smiling too. 

"Kane-kun?" he repeated confused. 

"It's my new nickname for you!"

What you didn't know, was that you weren't going to see each other for a very long time, but for all this time, you had a personal space in his heart. 

After 9 years, from Kaneki's POV

"Today it's been 9 years since I've seen her" I said, my cheek on my hand. 

"Kaneki! How is it possible? You have seen her only once in your life, 9 years ago...and you're still daydreaming about her! I'm surprised the you can be so affected to her, what is this, love at first sight?" Hide joked, sighing. 

"Plus, we're here to meet your crush, aren't we? No other girls in mind! Got it?" he then added with a mischievous grin, eyes half lidded. 

I felt heat raising up to my cheeks, nodding in agreement. 

We were waiting for Rize to show up in Anteiku, so I could show her to Hide, my best friend. 
Suddenly the door opened, and I hoped it was Rize, but it wasn't her. 
My eyes widened at the sight of the girl who just entered. 

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