who's your daddy?

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           He is my what? I mean I have always known I was adopted, it would have been hard to hide considering mom and dad were as pale they could possibly be and everyone without knowledge of my actual heritage thought I was mexican. the thing is though, i was told that my biological father wanted nothing to do with me and that my biological mother had died giving birth to me so him coming forward now? strange. 

"w-w-w-why are you h-h-here?" I spoke very softly , i could tell because he leaned forward to hear me. 

" I am here for you, it is time for you to come home" he spoke with such a clear and strong deep voice i could almost swear it vibrated everything around us.

" I am home, this is where i live, these are my parents they are the ones that raised me" I said slowly closing the door to my car and taking a step forward, i may be shy but something else in me told me to stand up to him, i mean who does this man think he is coming into my life after giving me up and telling me what to do? 

"I understand that and i understand that this is hard to do and it's a lot to take in, I would like to go somewhere and talk, just the two of us if you would."  He said pushing back strands of his long dark hair behind his ear and standing to his full height which i had just realized was extremely tall, possibly the tallest man I have ever met. It was at this moment my mom and dad stepped in, my dad who is by no means a little man, seemed dwarfed by the size of this stranger but that didn't stop him from grabbing his arm and pulling him around to face him. 

"you are not taking our daughter anywhere and especially not alone, you have no right!" 

my mom not one for conflict especially not publicly stepped quickly in between the two and put a hand up in each of their directions as if she was afraid that they would begin to fight. 

"look, mr. clearwater we understand what you are asking for here and all and while we can see how this is grace's choice, we are still her parents until she decides otherwise, and right now we see it unfit for you two to go off on your own." she said as if she was speaking to any of the parents of the children she taught. 

" you just said until she decides otherwise, she has a choice and it is not yours to make, she is eighteen now or will be by tonight and that means that you no longer have a legal say in this."  with saying that, the man named dakota opened the door to his truck  and looked at me "ill be at the diner on rosewood at 9pm tonight "  got in his truck and closed the door. my parents backed away from the truck as dakota put it in drive and sped off down the drive way, silence followed the loud roar off his truck as my parents just stared at me as if waiting for me to tell them that I was not going to go, but the truth is, i don't know what im going to do.




After a long day of solitude, basically meaning that my parents shut themselves into their room and didn't come out and they took my car keys in an attempt to keep me home, they quietly emerged from their room. 

"grace can we talk to you for a minute?" my mom said coming from around the back of the couch and sitting opposite of me on the loveseat.

"yeah, of course" 

"ohkay, well, we think that you should go to meet him." she said quietly as if she was expecting some big refusal from me, but i stayed quiet.

" I don't want to lose you but you do have every right to know him if you want to and I personally feel as if he might be able to help you learn who you really are. we will always be your parents and will always love you and be here for you but we wouldn't be doing you any good by keeping you from him. so, here are your keys" she said holding them out for me to take, my father by this point standing beside her looking off at something in the background as if looking at me would hurt to much. i took the keys slowly from her and rose from the couch and they rose from the love seat. 

i walked over to them and looked my mom in the eyes 

"no matter what, i am your daughter, i love you" i hugged them both and looked around for a clock or something that told the time, it was 8:45 pm. Letting them go i stood back and turned for the front door 

"i will be home soon" i grabbed my jacket without looking back at what i was sure was pained smiles and walked out to my car. here goes nothing, time to really meet the father.

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