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Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore, man of many titles. Sits pondering how his plan could have gone so far adrift.

"It was so clear cut" the man mumbled. "Last year went perfect, what could have gone wrong this time"

A knock at the door pulled the old man back to reality

"Come in" he called out "ahh Minerva, what can i do for you dear?"

"How could this have happened? How could we have let the chamber go unfound for so long?"

This just will not do dumbledore thought to himself no whitnesses and no stories

"I will explaine everything tonight at a staff meeting, everything will be set right" Dumbledore spoke softly in his feigned grandfather voice.

"I expect it Dumbledore, we all deserve an explanation"

---------------Potions classsroom--------------

Severus snape sat in his empty class pondering a situation of his own.
The man clearly remembers what happened last year after Potter saved the stone.

--Hogwarts great hall, june first, 1991--

"Good afternoon professors" Dumbledore smiled

"Dont give us that Dumbledore" McGonagall roared

"I knew it was a bad idea bringing that reached stone here and three of our own students almost died because of it, we have the nerve to call the ministry on you."

"Yes, yes, indeed you were correct Minerva but-"

"But nothing" Flitwick growled vehemently "your an awful man Albus Dumbledore and you will receive punishment"

"Now, now" albus began as he withdrew is wand.

The wand was quickly shot into the claws of flitwick "you forget my goblin hereditary?"

"Vercul maxima" Dumbledore whispered as the blue light filled the hall.

Of course the spell worked as Snape has suspected it would however being an expert Oclemence gave the greasy haired man the ability to throw off memory charms. Bing the self preserving man he was, snape played along and Dumbledore was none the wiser.

-----Potions classroom, present day-----

"I can only imagine this time" Snape mumbled as he steeled his mental shield and headed up to the mandatory staff meeting.

-------Headmasters office--------

As Albus stood to head off to the 'staff meeting' an incessant buzzing began. The noise starttled Albus as there was only one trinket in his office that made such a sound. The old man moved with haste not seen in many years. Soon enough a small glass orb was within his palms.

"Potter" Dumbledore growled. "This boy and breaking my restraints is going to drive ke insane"


The beautiful phoenix glided across the room

"Inform the staff that the meeting will have to be held another day"

With his message off, Dumbledore apperated to Privit drive.

----------Privit Drive---------

When he reappeared on the baren street of the Dursleys the man walked with purpose right up to number four.

Three knocks and a brute red faced man was standing in the doorway.

"The boy" Albus growled

"Hes not here headmaster" Vernon smiled

"He offered me twenty of thoes gold coins to drop him at that freaky pub of yours and informed me that he would not be returning but then the brat never payed up, nonetheless; We are done harboring him with us and we are done with whatever tricks you have. Good day sir" the man went to shut the door but was stopped sort by a red blast at the oak door.

"You have let him go?" Dumbledore roared "you are going to suffere"
Dumbledore srood stoic for a few seconds and then reopened his eyes "imperio"

Vernons eyes lost their whisky color for a hazed blue.

"Call your wife and child to the kitchen" Dumbledore whispered as he walked in behind the portly man.

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