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Three hours and four books gave Harry quite the basis for the wizarding polotics he was about to enter. And eventhough the information was no direct help to Draco's current situation it left Harry feeling rather confident. After breakfast Harry headed up to colect his things before heading off to the carriages which would carry the students to the train.

The train ride was rather long which gave Harry plenty of time to ditermine the proper goodbye for his Aunt and Uncle.

"Hurry up boy, we have errands to run and we dont have the time for you to dilly" Vernons boombing voice called loudly as soon as Harry was through the barrier.

"Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia" Harry began "instead of me staying with you this summer, could you drop me off at this adress?" Harry asked handing over the adress of the leaky cauldron "I am willing to pay you a lump sum" Harry continued, pulling out a pocket of gold coins

"Good rindance, put your things in the back" Vernon replied with feigning anger while deep inside he was jumping with joy at the prospect of such gold.

"Get out boy, and pay up" the plump man laughed giddy

"Pop the trunk please, the money is in there" Harry replied

Sure enough the pop of the trunk hurried after. Harry took his things and walked away "Thanks uncle Vernon" Harry smirked as he began walking away

"Hey, BOY, pay up" the brute man yelled

"Careful now uncle" Harry called back "we are in a magical area, do you know how easy it would be for me to use magic and get away with it" Harry bellowed a laugh of his own this time "now, unless you fancy being transfigured into a toad, i suggest you get back in your car and drive away"

The man glared but the feer in his eyes told harry all he needed to know. As the car drove away Harry headed into the dingy pup to begin his adventure.

"Hello sir" the polite barkeep greeted rather quietly, Knowing how Harry felt about attention

"Could I get a room for the night Mr Barkeep?" Harry asked keeping his voice low

"The master suit is open for as long as you need, no cleaning ladies and compleast privacy" Tom replied

"Thank you sir" Harry replied.

The room was just as dingy as the rest of the pub but it did have a nice view of Diagon Alley so not all was lost. Before he could get to relaxed, Harry headed back down stairs and toward the brick wall. Having little time to look around, Harry headed straight for the bank.

Just as it was during his first visit, the goblins sat in rows weighing gold and counting gems.

"Next" the gruf goblin spoke

"Harry Potter for his family goblin" Harry announced

"Down the hall last door on the right"

Harry nodded and followed the directions to an oak door with a gold name plate that read Ripslang.

"Enter Mr Potter" a soft voice called from within.

When Harry opened the door he expected a grotesque goblin resembling the others but instead this goblin had soft features and was most definately a female.

"I am here to claim my Heirships and the reading of my parents Will" Harry stated firmly as Pansey had suggested

"Right away Mr Potter but before you may claim your title you must first know what to claim, as such please prick your finger and allow three drops of blood to touch the parchment in front of you" the soft voice replied happily.

Harry did as instructed and watched as the puddle of blood scrawled into neat writting

Harrison James Potter

Mother: Lily Alison Evens
Father: James Potter
God father: Newt Scamander
God mother: Alice Longbottom

Blood type: Pure

Title to claim: Harrison James Potter, conqurer of many, master of the beast, Protector of magic, Heir to the most ancient and noble house of Potter, Evans, Black, Gaunt, Riddle Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor.

"There you are Mr Potter. Now you must claim it" Ripslang said lowly.

"I herby claim and will forever more be known as Harrison James Potter, conqurer of many, master of the beast, Protector of magic, Heir to the ancient and noble house of Potter, Evans, Black, Gaunt, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor"

In the next instant multiple things happened at once. The first was the arrival and placement of the heir rings which flashed into place on Harrys right middle finger and then combined into one titanium ring with ruins etched into the sides and a dazzling princess cut emerald placed on top. The second thing to happen was the arrival and placement of three more ring witch flashed into place on Harrys left middle finger and finished with a single silver band with different ruins etched, the third and final thing to happen was the arrival of eight stacks of manilla folders.

"As last eligable heir in your lines you are able to access you full fortune right away, as such it is my duty to make sure you understand what this means."

"Alright" Harry replied "seems reasonable"

"Before that however; we will here the recorded Will of James And Lily Potter"

The goblin placed a crystal ball on the desk and hovered her hand.

"We James and Lily Potter, being of sound mind and body herby leave our last will and testament to be carried out after our death." The two voices began

"I James Potter would first like it to be known that my wife and I wanted no part in this war until we personally came under attack. I would also like it to be known that should we die in our home then it was Peter Pettigrew Who gave us up not Sirius Black. As far as possessions, all assets in my name are to be passed to my only heir.
Should lily and I have the misfortune of not raising Harry ourselves then my son is to be raised by Harrys god father. And lastly. Harry, I want you to know that I love you and no matter what path you choose in life i will always suport you...unless you root for the holyhead even then i will still be proud of you.

There was a slight pause and a few papers shuffling.

"Should my husband and I die and miss raising Harry and Newt is incapable of taking the responsibility then Harry is to be trusted with his god mother. Should she be un able then Follow the list of families listed at the end. In conclusion, I leave all assets in my name to My only child. Harry, know that I will always love you and I am very displeased at the idea of not seeing you grow into a proper man."

"This is Lily and james saying goodbye" the two voices annoumced at once

"Last options for Harry is as followes...
Amelia Bones, Severus Snape, Reamus Lupin, Sirius Black, Narcissa Malfoy, or Nickolas Flamel"

By the end Harry had tears in his eyes "could I have a minute please?"

"Of course Mr Potter"

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