author's note

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This book will be depressing. This book is not suggesting to commit suicide if you are being bullied. It is showing the reality of being bullied and to learn to be there for a friend who is in a rough situation.

Sometimes if we are dealing with things alone, it can be too overwhelming. So be there for someone who needs a friend, stand up for someone is too scared to speak, and love someone who doesn't know what being loved feels like. It might not cure them of depression or suicidal thoughts, but it will help them and let them know that they are loved.

Also, hello! So there are some sarcastic/sassy remarks throughout the dialogue of the story and that's mainly because I can't help it sometimes!

The main character, Tessa, is supposed to be portrayed more as helpless and depressed, but sometimes I think of a really funny, sarcastic remark and I can't help myself. So that's basically what it is. I literally had to restrain myself.

Okay, that's all. Enjoy the story!

Prank CallDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora