That Christmas spent with you. {Rayu}

Start from the beginning

"Can you tell me about him?" Sayu asked.

"Ren huh? Let's see, he's a pretty cheery and energetic guy but deep inside, Ren's actually quite sensitive," Shuppet said, before turning to Red, a girl with ruby hair like her name and the fun, blue haired Stormy (RainingStorms).
"I believe the two of you know firsthand how some boys are more sensitive and sweeter than they seem, right Red?~"

"Ooh~ You mean, Snow?" Storm grinned.
Red blushed at the sound of her partner before she smiled, recalling a fond memory.
"Yes, he is a lot sweeter than his actual appearance as a king."

"You two lovebirds should just get a room!" Sayu pouted, pretending to be angry as she placed her hands on her hip.
"I'm jelly!"

"... ..?" Zora lifted her plate of fruit jellies, tilting her head as her white fringe covered her eyes.

"No not that jelly, Zora," Jace laughed, gently pushing the plate down onto the table.

"... Sayu... Likes Ren..?" Zora said suddenly, staring at the pink haired girl in question. Sayu blushed and stood up, waving her hands in a flustered manner.

"N-no! It's not like that!"


"Why are all of you looking at me with that face? It's not--" Just as Sayu was denying, the door of the Café opened and Ren rushed in, panting. It looked like he had ran all the way to the Café and Sayu stood there, staring at him in surprise.

"Sorry, do you mind if I borrow Sayu for a while?" Ren asked the other girls, putting both his hands together. Jace regained her composure and agreed readily, watching Ren and Sayu head out of the Café, holding hands.

"Well girls, looks like our Sayu's all grown up," Jace joked but widened her eyes when she notice Zora glaring at the door with a murderous look.

"Hey Zora, don't be like that? No, don't use the fork as a weapon!"

(Whee~ ⛄❄)


Ren glanced at Sayu who's walking quietly beside him, feeling awkward with the weird silence. Did he interrupt something just now?

Both of them then stopped at the back of the Café. Sayu seemed a little uneasy as they both glanced at each other before looking away.

"Ren, umm..."

"Sayu, I- Huh?" Realising that they both had spoken at the same time, Ren and Sayu stared at each other, bewildered. Sayu burst out giggling and Ren cracked a sheepish smile, rubbing his head shyly.

"You go first," Sayu decided and Ren nodded, looking serious.

"Sayu, are you free on Christmas Eve?"

"I told you, I'm a bit busy on-"

"What about the last two hours of that day? I want to be with you, on a date. Would that be okay?"

Sayu blinked at Ren's sudden outburst and bowed her head, looking down. Ren coughed, looking away while mentally ripping out his hair. Stupid Ren! Dummy Ren! Why can't you wait until she finished?!

"Actually, 10 o' clock is past my curfew time when Billy expects me to be home..."

Ren's heart sank as he waited for Sayu to reject him and he tried to look nonchalant about it.

"But! I suppose it can't be helped if Sayu gets kidnapped by an elf when Santa visits her house, right?~" Sayu beamed, putting her finger on her lips and then she winked at Ren.

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