1. Kappa Delta Phi: HAZING!

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Hayden Panettiere as Clair Jones (OLD)

Rachel Bilson as Jolie Hayle (NEW)

Red and white banners are moving in the little wind that is blowing. The Greek Kappa Delta Phi symbols are placed on them and are making sure the new students feel welcome by it. Old members of Kappa Delta Phi are greeting the new students, wearing their red and white Kappa Delta Phi sweaters, shirts, socks and jackets. 

The new students follow their way on the small path leading to the Kappa Delta Phi's main building, leading them to the door. 

"Welcome at Kappa Delta Phi!" 

"Thank you for choosing Kappa Delta Phi!" A random girl says and hands out flyers for this months activities.

"KAPPA DELTA PHI!" Two guys yell who are standing at the front door, greeting every new member. 

"Give that to us." Two other guys chuckle as they take the new students bags.

"Take three things out of your suitcase and give your suitcase to one of us. Only those three things you are alowed using the first days here at Kappa: WELCOME TO  YOUR HAZING!" The guys chuckle.

"Walk up to the living room, there you will get your following instructions!" The guys say and point at the living room. 

This is going to be a pretty fun Hazing at  Kappa Delta Phi this year. 


!Take 3 things out of your suitcase you can not miss and pass your suitcase to the guys. At the livingroom you will get your following instructions!

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