But the very thing he could not understand was the reason Hae Soo told Baek-Ah to keep this from him.

Hae Soo, don't you want to be saved? Do you really want to die?


Hae Soo was ready to die. She had prepared herself ever since she was told of her execution day. Prince Baek-Ah was the only prince that visited her yesterday and she asked him if Prince So knew about her punishment. She was glad that Prince Baek-Ah answered that Prince So was not aware of it. Crown Prince Mu and Jimong was also hesitant to tell him because they already knew how he would react to it and it would never be good for his status as a prince. He had risked enough for her.

What she wanted was to help him become a good king. She never wanted him to die protecting her. And by the way he was doing things recklessly for her, he would certainly die before his time comes to become a king.

Maybe Jimong was only telling her the truth. She could not change what was about to happen without a grave consequence.

As she stared at the ropes that would kill her, she was thinking about the questions that were haunting her mind ever since she heard that she will be hanged.

Why did I come to Hae Soo's body if I will die just like this? Have I done enough for Prince So? Was that enough to make him a good king? Will my death not fill him with hatred?

She was lost in thoughts when the guards suddenly shoved her to a corner. She looked around and saw Prince So arrived.

No... Why are you here? I told Baek-Ah to keep this from you?

He was staring fiercely at the palace guards. Those were the eyes that she did not want to see on him. He was ready to kill and to die for her.

"Move," he warned the palace guards who did not listen to him.

Their swords were all pointing at him but he was not threatened. With his sword still inside its sheath, Prince So shoved the palace guards aside to get to Hae Soo.

He was an excellent fighter. He was already standing in front of Hae Soo with only a few waves of his sword and the palace guards became more cautious of him, more frightened.

He looked at Hae Soo for a while, as if checking if she was just fine.

"She is coming with me," Prince So said, surprising Hae Soo.

"What are you doing?" Hae Soo whispered, standing closer to Prince So.

"I will take you with me," he said, making it sound so simple.

"Don't do this," Hae Soo pleaded but Prince So only ignored her and finally pulled out his sword from its sheath.

The palace guards took a step backwards, intimidated by Prince So's stance.

"Must blood be shed for all of you to move aside?" he asked, frighteningly serious.

Hae Soo held her tightening chest.

Prince So, don't do this to yourself...

She was about to hold him and stop him from fighting the palace guards when Jimong came running and shouting.

"It's a royal order! Royal order!" he was yelling while waving a paper in his hand. "This hanging has been disregarded. The real culprit has been found."

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