Chapter 12 - Squirrels

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We walked down a narrow corridor, Willy was in front leading with Veruca and her father behind him. Veruca was smiling widely probably pleased that Violet was gone and to tell you the truth so was I. I couldn't put up with anymore of that constant chewing and popping it was just annoying and gross, behind the Salt's were Mike and his father. Mike didn't look to pleased about the factory, he looked rather bored which angered me a little why come to a chocolate factory if it doesn't interest you, I mean he could of sold the ticket there's a load of children in this world who wanted the chance to come here. Then there were me and Charlie, even though we were only in a corridor my baby brother still had the look of excitement on his face, he really was enjoying him self as was I.

"Without the boat, we'll have to move double - time just to keep up on schedule" Willy says to us all.

"Mr Wonka" Charlie tiny voice piped up, gaining the attention of Willy.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Why did you decide to let people in?" Charlie asked curiously.

"Well, so they could see the factory, of course" Was his reply but with the sound of his tone I could tell there was more behind the whole reason but i guess we just have to wait and see.

"But why now? And why only five?" Wow Charlie slow down with the questions bud. However, Charlie didn't get an answer as bored a lot Mike interrupted.

"What's the special prize" He asked in a boredom tone, causing me roll my eyes. It's always about the prize I'd rather take in the factories beauty then think of this prize right now.

"The best kind of prize is SUR-prize!" Willy says whiles giving out a little laugh at his joke, making me chuckle at his cute childish behavior. Willy looked over at me with his gorgeous eyes and smiled lightly at me. I swear I could stare at him all day long but we don't have the time such a shame, my stomach dropped as realization hit me I probably won't see him after this that thought made a frown appear on my face. I saw Willy's face drop 'you okay?' He mouthed to me; which I nodded my head in reply but by the looks of Willy's face I could tell he wasn't convince but I just shrugged it off and turned my attention away from him.

Willy POV

I stared into the unique eyes of Eve, she was so beautiful I've never seen a women as perfect as her but then again I didn't really look for someone to love as chocolate is my one and only love. However, today with Evelyn has been great so far the only problem is that if Charlie wins I'm going to have to take him away from his family including Eve and I know that would really upset her which I really don't want. Hey maybe I could as her to come as well, I know I've never felt like this before and I would hate to see her in the arms of another man. I watched at my Eve's face dropped and a frown appeared on her face I mouthed to her asking if she was ok only to receive a nod in return but I knew deep down that she wasn't. I was about to go over to her and ask her again but was rudely stopped by that Vercua girl.

"Is Violet always going to be a blueberrie?" She snugly asked wearing a smirk on that horrid face.

"Yes. . .No. . .I don't know. . .Maybe. . .But that's what you get from chewing gum all day, It's just disgusting!" I say scrunching up my face.

"I 100% agree with you on that one" The melodic voice of Eve piped in making me look over at her with a grin on my face.

Evelyn POV

I grinned back at Willy trying to ignore the butterflies that were starting to form in my tummy "If you hate gum so much why do you make it?" Mike says annoyed.

"You really shouldn't mumble, cause it's starting to bum me out" He shot back. Once again I bit my lip to hold back my laughter now wasn't the time. I really can't wait to tell Grandpa Joe about the tour.

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