Chapter 4 - Veruca Salt

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I was on my way home from another stressful day at work I so can't wait till all the tickets have been found business will go back to normal although I do hope Charlie is one of them kids to find one he really deserves it. I carried on walking till the newspaper stand caught my eyes.

The headline -
Second Ticket Found
Buckinghamshire, England
Veruca Salt

Before I could even get to read it I was moved away by the sales man "Sorry" I said then turned away and continued my journey home, once I got home I saw the family apart from mum and Dad crowded around the TV watching the news on the second founder.

"Veruca. Can you spell that for us, please?" one of the reporters said.

"V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt" The snobby little girl said flashing a smile for the cameras as they took pictures of her, showing off her golden ticket.

"Soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets, I started buying up all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on. Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands. I'm in the nut business, you see. So I say to my workers, "Morning, ladies. From now on you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead." Three days went by and we had no luck. Oh, it was terrible. My little Veruca got more and more upset each day. Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. And finally, I found her a ticket." Mr. Salt said into the camera.

"I swear she's even worst then the fat lump" I commented making my grandparents and Charlie laugh, my brother turned to grandpa Joe.

"I don't think that was really fair. She didn't find the ticket herself"

"Don't worry about it, Charlie. That man spoils his daughter. And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that." Grandpa replied back.

"Yep" popping the 'p' "Karma's a bitch" I said.

"Language Evelyn" Grandpa George scowled at me.

"Sorry Granddaddy" I replied sweetly and kissed his forehead trying to get on his good side as an angry Grandpa George is not pretty.

Moment later mum and dad enter the house from the bitter cold "Charlie, your Mum and I thought maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight" Dad told him making Charlie smile widely, mum headed him his chocolate bar wrapped in newspaper he slowly unwrapped it to reveal a Wonka bar all he did was stare at it.

"You just going to sit they all night looking at it bro?" I asked joking around a little.

"Maybe I should wait till morning" Charlie sighed not wanting to open it.

"Charlie it's not going to magically change in the morning you know" I said grinning at him.

Charlie slowly and carefully unwrapped the Wonka bar. However, he was a bit disappoint when there was no sign of golden ticket only the dark brown chocolate.

"Oh well" Grandpa Joe said slowly "that's that"

"We'll share it" Charlie said bless him he's a lovely young man that I'm proud off, I'm so glad he's nothing like them other kids on TV.

"Oh we can't do that Charlie, It's your present" Grandpa Joe told him.

"It's my candy bar, and I'll do what I want with it." Charlie said as he split the candy bar and share it between the family.

"Thank you little bro" I said hugging him.

"Your welcome" He say returning the hug.

"Oh Charlie and one more thing Happy Birthday bud" I whispered, kissing his forehead then I continued to dig into my delicious chocolate piece.

Chocolate Treats (Willy Wonka LS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें