Chapter 8 - Intruducing Ourselves

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"Don't you want to know our names" Fat lump asked as we continued to walk.

"Can't imagine how it would matter. Come quickly." He replied sounding irritated.

Walking through the curtain, we entered a very long room with a wide red carpet leading all the way through, lights were shining brightly on the pale grey wall even if it was only a hallway it was beautifully decorated making me even more excited about seeing the whole factory.

"Just drop your coats anywhere" Mr. Wonka instructed us as he took off his own along with his goggles revealing the most usual coloured eyes there were an enchanting dark violet making him look even more handsome if I do say so myself. 'god! what's wrong with me I've never called a man handsome but then again I'm always too busy or in a rush to notice any men around me'. Shaking my head slightly at myself I took my coat off, folding it and placed it on the ground next to Charlie's

"Mr Wonka? Sure is toasty in here." Mr Teavee commented, toasty was not the word for, it boiling my palms are sweating.

"What? Oh yeah. I have to keep it warm in here, because my workers are used to an extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold" He says looking at the man his eyes then glances toward me, he looked me up and down making me blush which must have tickled his fancy as a smile found it's way on his cherry red lips.

"Who are your workers?" My sweet little brother asked the man, causing his attention on me flicker to him. A frown pulled on my lips as he just turned away not answering his question well that rude.

"All in good time" he says almost telling us we would find out later "Now. . . ." He began but was rudely interrupted by the gum chewer who had put her arms around Mr Wonka's waist, a look of utter degust crossed he features I guess he doesn't like to be touched.

"Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde" She says pulling away snapping her gum yet again making me cringe along with Mr Wonka. He looked at her his perfect shaped eyebrow arched he was clearly not interested at all.

"Oh? I don't care" He replied trying to walk on however, that didn't happen as Violet didn't take the hint to stop talking

"Well, you should care. Because I'm the girl that's gonna win the special prize at the end." She said confidently, god she's irritating me. I mean come Charlie has a better chance then her.

"Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key." Was all he replied probably trying to stop the conversation he walked on while Violet looked up at her mother with a huge grin on her face. What a bratty little girl I hope when I have children there don't turn out like that I swear they would be the death of me I suddenly bumped into someone looking up I saw it was Mr Salt

"Sorry Sir" I politely smile.

"No worries" He grunted before looking at his daughter who had now walked in front of Mr Wonka and curtsey.

"I'm Veruca Salt. It's very nice to meet you, sir." She smiled sweetly putting her puppy dog acted on probably trying to become his favorite. I sighed lightly looking down at my brother who was watching the sight in amusement.

"I always thought that a veruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot. Ha!" he said making me giggle along with Charlie gaining the attention of the chocolatier, looking eyes I stare deeply into them searching them trying to figure him out but all I couldn't fine anything but he had a hint of lust was that meant at me. I felt a tug on my dress making me break eye contact with Mr Wonka and look down at Charlie.

"Yes Charlie" I asked wanting to know if something was wrong

"Sissy do you like Mr Wonka?" he asked looking me in the eyes.

"Now why would you say that bud?" I asked trying to keep my face from turning red but I guess I couldn't as Charlie pointed it out.

"Your blushing and you both couldn't keep your eyes off each other" He innocently said

"I've only just meet him sweetie I don't know what to think okay"

"Ok" we walked quicker to catch up with the rest which wasn't seeing as it looked like the fat lump had stopped Mr Wonka this time. God he makes me sick eating and talking at the same time seriously where's your manners.

Mr Wonka sighed in defeat and turned over facing Mike I think his was "You're Mike Teavee. You're the little devil who cracked the system." Before the boy could answer Mr Wonka turned to us "And you. Well, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you?" Well that was totally rude but it's true, we only found the ticket yesterday. "And the rest of you must be their. . ." he trailed of not able to say the words

"Parents" Mr Salt helped out

Mr Wonka smiled weakly "Yeah! Mom and Dad's" he seemed to gaze dreamily at the floor "Dad . . papa?" Well that was peculiar the man must have had a bad childhood or something.

Moment later Mr Wonka snapped out of it as he noticed we were all looking at him confused and a little freaked out. Clearing his throat trying to get rid of any awkward tension he looks in mine and Charlie's direction " Aren't you a little young to be one of those?" he say pointing over to the other parent, looking in his eyes I saw a glint of hope in them wonder what that's about.

"Oh no, I'm not Charlie's mother, I'm Evelyn his big sister" As soon as those words left my mouth he looked really relieved. I tell you now this is just getting weird.

"Good" he said. . . Wait why is it good I was going to ask him but he just headed down the hall wanting us to follow him.

Wonka POV

Good why the heck did I say that, to tell you the truth though I'm really surprised that she doesn't have a family yet, any man would want her I mean look at her she's just sooo. . . . I don't even have a word to describe her. I looked in her direction to see her laughing at something her brother told her 'her laugh is so pretty' I silently muttered dreamily, she was a rather beautiful lady with a beautiful name, Evelyn just rolls of your tongue.

Evelyn POV

I watched as Charlie walked in front of me fat lump walked beside "Would you like some chocolate?" he asked Charlie wow that was nice of him, maybe I have judged him too quick

"Sure" Charlie smiled at the young bo.y

"Then you should have brought some." He replied nastily, taking a huge bite of his chocolate in front of my brother in a way to taunt him making me frown that's not nice I sight sadly looking at his mother hoping when she didn't. I shook my head and walked closer to Charlie, sticking my leg slightly out so no one would see apart from Charlie, I tripped fat lump he fell head first to the ground letting out a cry.

"Oh my dear boy are you okay? Your always tripping over your feet" she says fussing her son.

"I'm fine mummy" He whined like a baby.

Me and Charlie stood away from then giggle quietly. I heard another laugh come in the room, I looked up to see Mr Wonka with a smile on his lips he winked at me, causing me to blush bright red I guess he knew what just happened. Walking on I noticed the hallway was getting smaller and smaller making it a tight squeeze we finally came to a stop.

"Then why is the door so small?" Mike asked.

Mr Wonka looked at the boy and answered "That's to keep all the great big chocolaty flavour inside" giving a little giggle he bent over to unlock the tiny door at the bottom, straightening up he paused for a second trying to create a dramatic moment 'ha! he's such a child at heart' Mr Wonka looked at us all, smiling then pushed the doors open to reveal the most magnificent sight ever.

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