“Uh...” the man with an apron hanging down on his hips looked at me like I was crazy.

I smiled sheepishly and a blush creped on my cheeks from embarrassment. Apologizing from startling the poor man, I ran back inside the bar hoping to find Aiden.

I looked everywhere, Jason wasn’t there and so is Aiden. That wasn’t a good sign and I started to feel the nervousness creeping down my veins. I grabbed my phone expecting a text message from Aiden. There was.

-I’m at the park at the far part of town- Aiden

 I read the text message making me relax. But something still felt wrong and suspicious. It then struck me, usually his text message will contain a pet name or a teasing remark but this text message didn’t contain any of that. I guess I’ll have to take the risk and go there.

Making my way outside, I noticed that the happy and sunny weather disappeared. The sky started to get dark and the air feels misty and cold.

Wow, talk about suspense.


I arrived at the park where I was told he would be, but I suspect that I won’t be getting a hug or a kiss. Yes! My mind is still wind up from that kiss, could you blame me though? As pathetic as it may sound, I haven’t kissed a guy for I don’t know how long. It wasn’t my top priority to smack my lips with just any guy, but from time to time I would fantasize about being a normal girl again. Nothing wrong with that.

The wind picked up sending chills down my body, I admit that I was slightly scared. I used to be confident about my fighting skills and what I do but since I was now babysitting my ex I think I might have lost my touch.

“Welcome princess” my body tensed up when I felt a hand trailing down my waist making me shiver in an uncomfortable way. Just hearing his voice makes me cringe from disgust.

Turning around I rested my hand on Jason’s chest, my other hand playfully teasing his hair. I mask my face with a seductive smile which he obviously enjoyed.

“Nice to see you again baby” I cooed bringing my hand over to the hem of his shirt tugging it slightly.

“Oh princess, I missed you so much” he brought his face down to my neck, nipping it with his soft yet dangerous lips. I didn’t bulge from his touch; instead I looked around and studied the place. He had two men with him, and none of them had any weapons on them. My eyes found Jason’s back pocket where his knife was located. I carefully caressed his body, my hand slowly moving towards his ass. Suddenly a chuckle caused me to stop what I was doing. With one swift motion, he gripped my wrist with a devilish smirk on his face.

“Do you really think I would fall for that again?” he hissed. I frowned.

“Well...yeah” I said honestly humour filling my voice which I immediately regretted.

He didn’t comment on it, “Bring the rich boy over here” Jason ordered and my eyes snapped towards Aiden who was being hauled up to our direction, his eyes filled with not horror or terror, but concern?

Jason pushed me back causing me to stumble back to Aiden, my back was pressed against his chest. Aiden leaned down next to my ear and whispered as low as possible.

“Stupid girl, you shouldn’t have come” his voice tickled my ear.

“Yeah you’re right, I should’ve let you die” he really is annoying.

“Ouch babe and after that kiss we shared”

Giving him the deathliest glare I smacked his arm wanting him to stop with the teasing, “Are you fucking kidding me? Can you see we’re close to getting killed, so shut your little mouth before I kill you myself” I hissed not realizing that we were being watched.

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