I looked back at the boys to come across them staring at Wren and I with a blank expression.

"See what you did, Juniper! Bad!" Scolded me while slapping me on the head gently.

I stood up. "What the hell, Wren?!"

She stood up and walked over to the boys, dragging me along. The boys had the most confused look on their faces and looked as if they were scared of what was going to happen next.

"Alright. I'm Wren and this is Juniper."

The chestnut hair colored boy was still dumbfounded but the taller boy spoke up.

"I'm Atlas, and this is Coy." He said putted his arm on Coy's shoulder. "Do you know where we are by any chance?" He continued.

Atlas kept trying to remain eye contact with Wren and I kept catching him peak at me. I had a blank face and really didn't care about their conversation. I started to space out, but I heard a yell, which was Coy running over to the other side of the room.

"Rosie!" He yelled as he ran.

Atlas, Wren, and I all turned to Coy kneeling next to a girl just waking up.

"Who's that?" I asked, directing the question to Atlas. If he knew Coy then they must've been friends, so he probably knows who the girl is.

"Oh, that's Rosie. It's Coy's girlfriend."

"I guess he's not available.." Interrupted Wren. She walked away to a corner and plopped herself to sulk.

As I facepalmed Atlas surprised me by starting up a conversation.

"Is she gonna be okay..?"

"I actually don't know.." We both laughed.

We kept a conversation going but he kept looking at me in a weird way sometimes. The same way he would do earlier.

⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸ ⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸⧸

All of the awake people decided to wake up the people who weren't awake yet. I saw one boy that no one had awoken..

He had black hair with some tattoos. Nothing to extrodinory. But it suit him for what I could see.

I looked around and saw everyone was ocupied. I walked over and knelt down next to him.

For some reason, all I did was stare for a few seconds. He seemed like he was so peaceful. Just asleep. Nothing to care about..

I didn't want to wake him, I didn't want to disturb him. I didn't want to be the one to make him wake up to this hell.

A hell that is still unknown to everyone.

But waking him up is something I needed to do. I slightly shook his shoulder, and to my surprise, he woke up the first shake.

I smiled when he opened his eyes, and nothing stopped me.

"Hey, are you alright?" I stated.

"Yeah.. Do you know where we are?" His voice.. Was so.. Entrancing..

"None of us do.." I replied with as I helped him sit up.

"Uh, can I get your name?" He asked with a curious face.

"Oh uh, J-Juniper.."


That's it? 'Oh.' A plain response.. To something that didn't need a response?

"That's a really cool name. I'm Jayce."

Well. Why does this always happen to me? I never let people finish their sentence so, I usually take offense. When they actually finish, it turns out to be a nice thing.

"Are you okay?" A voice said, snapping me out of thought.

I quickly realized it was Jayce. I look at him and me back and forth. Only to see I was having an argument with myself.

I could feel the heat on my face intensify. "Can we start over?" I asked awkwardly. I could see he was nodding his head slightly.

"Okay, I'm Juniper Mayfair, I'm 16 right now, turning 17 in three months. I like to say the wrong things at the wrong time."

I could see Jayce laugh a little bit, which automatically made me smile.

"I'm not technically a 'rebel' but I like to have fun here and there. Hmm.. What else is there?"

When I looked at Jayce he was giving me this tilted smile. No way to describe how.. Perfect it was.

"Well. I'm Jayce Mage. I'm 17. I fucked up a lot of things in my life.."

He stopped suddenly and I could see that he was hesitant to what he was going to say next.

"If we're going to be honest here, I don't have parents basically .. My mom hates me, and my dad is probably dead for all I care."

"That must be tough, I'm sorry about that." I said. I genuinely felt bad. I couldn't imagine not growing up without my parents.

"Nah, it's fine. I got through it."

My arms automatically wrapped around his waist. A hug that was unexpected.

to be continued ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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