Adrian 1

82 3 0

Today, was the sisterhood meeting.

i made out with my cat.

I walk in to the room, hidden deep in the earth and sit down at my spot near the head of the table, me being one of the first people in the sisterhood and the right hand, get this advantage.

"We begin to make sure none of us have been found." says Sapphira, another one of the leaders, one of the witches at the end of the table raise their hand, I nod to her and she stands "On the news they say there was strange readings from deep underground." she says Quickly "we shall send a mission to stabilize that immediately" I nod and she sits down, I take out my wand and wave it, placing a note in the homes of those who are to help with the mission, me included.

we go through our normal routines of our meetings, just going over the spells to learn and discussing them. I walk out of the sisterhood cave and to my home in my dimension. i remember accidentally creating it when i was first learning my specialty, Dimension travel, a extremely rare talent in Witches and wizards.

I walk along the small, blue beach i created and to my house to grab my mortal clothes so i can blend in with the mortals in their dimension. i change out of my long robe and in to a pair of jeans and a sweater, while keeping my under-shirt on and hide my wand in a small pocket just inside my sweater.

i meet with the other witches who will help me with this mission; Luna, Sappira and Zanna "ready?" I ask they all nod and we walk up to the building with one floor that stretches for a long way and is made of a grey brick, and make a plan "I'll distract any security by messing with the cameras while Sappira distracts any workers anyway she wants and Luna and Zanna stabilizes the chemical reader. Luna, Zanna, me and Sappira will send a flash of light you say you can stabilise the reader. is everyone okay with that?" I ask "I am fine with that." says Zanna, Luna nods and Sappira smiles

"okay! Lets go!" I smile wickedly. We walk in and I get out of site of the cameras and make sure nobody is watching, I pull out my wand and crack the cameras and create an illusion of a robber running through the halls, and quickly put my wand away and burst in to the security room "Help! someone just stole my purse!" I screech, they all snap their heads to me, and I breath heavily to create the illusion I had run here "We'll get him" said a particularly tall man and all four of them rush out of the room to chase an illusion.

I rush to the computer and have all the cameras stop recording. I take out my wand and send a burst of light to Luna that only her and Zanna can see, to signal they can go.

I watch them flinch to nothing, meaning they saw my burst and a few minutes later, the fire alarm goes off and all the workers rush out of the building, Very original, Sappira.

Luna and Zanna flinch again and they run out to stabilise the chemical reader. Moments later Sappira rushes in to the room "I didn't set off the fire alarm." she says, slightly out of breath "What?" I whip my head to the other cameras to see most of them flooded with flames, licking at the camera "Oh my..." we rush out of the room and find Zanna and Luna, "ZANNA! LUNA! Get out of here!" I scream "We are almost done just a sec!" Luna calls back, unlike most spells, tampering with an object can take up to ten minutes "Now! there is a fire!" Saphira called "We're done!" Zanna gasps and they run up to us, we rush out of the building through the back of the building and run back to our homes, and me to the hidden witches cave. I run down the spiral steps and report that we have finished our mission.

my cat didnt like it.

I grabbed my wand and went home, forgetting I was under ground and I began to suffocate in the bottom of my ocean of orange, I swim to the top and I almost run out of breath, I drag my self to the shore and lie on my back, breathing very heavily, I feel a touch on my shoulder and I drag myself backwards, very quickly, I had never made any form of life in my dimension! "Who are you?" I screech

"Arianna! I am sorry! I was just.... I don't know! and then, whoosh! and then I saw a splash and you! and here!" Arianna rambled, my hard glare softened to a smile "Welcome to the sisterhood." I hold out my hand "what? the sisterhood of the witches." I smile "you can travel dimensions like me, but it is very rare, like extraordinarily rare, let me get changed and give you your robes and we'll consult the other leaders about our new recruit!" I say, getting up and shaking a bit of the blue sand off me "uh, is this your home?" she asks "Yup, the only building in this small dimension" I replied "oh,"she says "how did you make it?" I look at her slightly quizzically "which one the dimension, or the house?" I ask her "both" she smiles "well, the dimension was kind of a mess up, I never meant to create it, it just came, and if I did mean to make it, don't you think I'd make it... I don't know, more earthy? and the house, I can edit this world however I like, other than the appearance, but I'm the only one who comes here... so but it is like a copy past kind of thing..." I say as I get her white robes and masks, and toss them to her and I grab my blue ones and my mask. "Ah... do you think I can make my own or do I have to learn? like, how a make a dimension.." she says as she slips the robe over her shoulder "I don't think you can... but you could live in this dimension if you can't make your own" she smiled at me "thanks"

We walk outside after I change in to something dry and get my robes on "okay, just think of where you want to go, and... you need a wand." I flatter "how do we do that?" she asked "you have to make it." I say simply "oh.. how do I do that?" she says "Carving it" I say as I take out my wand "here.." I grow a small thin tree for her, it already is shaped like wand, all she has to do is take the extra twigs, the same way I did mine "so, I just, carve it?" she asks "yup." she walks over to it and plucks I from the ground and begins to snap the extra twigs off, when she finishes she smiles "okay, now just imagine, me in a forest and squeeze it or wave it." I say as I myself, go to our sisterhood cave.

a few seconds later, she comes "Whoa," she loses her balance and fell away from the stairs "here" I offer her my hand and she gets up with my help, "lets go" I open the door in the side of the hill and she gasps as I pull her in to consult the others.

"Accepted!" we all vote and Arianna smiles from ear to ear "congrats, you'll start next week!" I tell her "okay" she laughs and we leave the room with excitement flooding through us.

but i did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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