Band! (Lead Singer)

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Name: Jazmine (Jazz or Jazzie) Eliza

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6


Sexuality: Pansexual

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Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Strict, Harsh, Straight forward, Cocky, Flirtatious

Likes: Music, Cake, The band

Dislikes: Almost everything else

Flaws: Bipolar AF

Species: Human

Powers: None

Theme Song:

Fuck you-Sleeping With Sirens cover

If your gonna role play with the lead singer you need to be a part of the band. In this RP, you will replace the guitarist. To show that you have read this write "I love tomboys" in the comments

Scenario 1:
Your old lead moved away and couldn't be there for the competition. One of the background vocalists(?) said they had someone in mind. By the way they described you thought he would make a great singer. When he walked in, he turned out to be a girl. What would you do?

Scenario 2:

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