Rival Band! (Drummer)

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Name: Axel Rainge


Gender: Male

Height: 6'3


Sexuality: Gay

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Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Quiet, Calm, Stoic, Smart, Strong

Likes: Cute guys, music, showing how smart he is

Dislikes: When girls flirt with him/When guys flirt with his sister, losing band competitions

Flaws: Way overprotective

Species: Human

Powers: Super Strength

Theme Song:
Kryptonite-Three Doors Down

If you're role-playing with the rival drummer, than you are going to replace the normal bands drummer. This goes for every one of the instruments. To show that you have read this please put "I love drummers" in the comments.

Scenario 1:
You were scoping out the competition at another schools band competition when your rivaling band, "Without Love"(I know, so original), steps on the stage. They begin playing the song above ^^^. After the competition the drummer walks up to you. What do you do?

Scenario 2:

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