Band! (Bassist)

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Name: Louis (L or Gold) Marigold

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'4


Sexuality: Bisexual

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Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sweet, Caring, Lovable, Happy-go-lucky, Fun, Easily flustered

Likes: Cake, Sweets, Stuffed animals

Dislikes: Dark spaces, confined spaces

Flaws: He has Cleithrophobia, and Achluophobia, he couldn't defend himself to save his life, when he is around someone he likes he will stutter more than he normally does.

Species: Human

Powers: None

Theme song:
Sugar Rush - Cash Cash

If your gonna role play with the bass you need to be a part of the band. In this RP, you will replace the background vocal. To show that you have read this write "I love sugar" in the comments

Scenario 1:
You were looking all around for Louis, but you couldn't find him. You heard whimpering from a nearby locker. What do you do?

Scenario 2:

♥{~Kiss It Better~}♥|| Individual RoleplaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora