GORF - facing fate pt 1

Start from the beginning

Mr cena how was your relationship with miss colace

"Perfect the first few months were amazing but then after our first night you know she acted distant from me I didn't know that my girlfriend was having these thoughts especially towards the end because she was referring to me as a sexual predator we had sex one time and I am accused of this crime I know my substances with alcohol was bad but I would  never ever Hurt Nicole I love her!! I mean I let her stay with me I got her a new school to go to so she didn't have to drop out"

Renee grasped deans hand shakingly

Damn good actor "ill give him that owens spat" 

And why is that miss colace came to live with you

Because her family were abusive and out of control both her mom and sister are just like me former alcoholics so why am I up here instead of them I mean her sister was out of control it's because of her she came to live with me"

"Don't you Dare don't you dare use my family in this as a way to claw yourself out of this!" Nicole demanded

Brie stood up how dare you you!,   its my biggest regret letting my sister go with you ITS BECAUSE OF MY SISTER LEAVING  I CHOOSE NOMORE GAMES I WENT GOT HELP AND NOT TOUCHED THAT STUFF SINCE IT HAUNTS ME TO THIS DAY THAT I COYLD NOT PROTEXT HER FROM A MONSTER LIKE YOU!!!" Nicole let her tears fall to brie and quickly wiped them away

Both garcias if you do not control yourselves this will be overruled  Brie had to get out of there and so nodded and walked out followed by roman

Why did you turn to alcohol

I thought I could handle it one boxing day night turns out I didn't I was a college Lad everyone I knew was drinking I apologise to Nicole for my actions but not for sleeping with her because she gave me concent

Thank you Mr cena no more questions

My turn Lisa states and heads to the stand

Em what

"You wanted to say your story today I have questions to.."

Mr cena none of those questions Mr Watson gave you prove your innocents to the fact that you have said yes you 'slept with miss clave which in your first questioning you said you did not know what they were talking about and that you and Nicole never were intimate yes or no


Okay play the tape please

Shows John's questioning and him indeed saying he and Nicole were never intimate Lisa then paused the tape

What did they say next Mr cena do you remember


Mr cena Do you remember or not
".... I didn't even know she was pregnant okay! Let alone lost the baby" He shouted

"Is this true..." judge asked Nicole
"Yes I was yes I didn't tell him at first until I knew he didn't have any alcohol smelt on his breath or that I found drugs in my house I was not going to put my child at risk so I was trying to stay out of his way and what did I get for it....!"

Miss colace calm down

Sorry your honour but imagine if this was your wife or daughter.... I lost my baby because I said no! Why did I say no because I was conscious... I was then shoved off the bed and as I was shoved I fell onto the bedroom side and caught my stomach... It was when he saw I was not okay he  came to realise what he had done and asked what was wrong
I just screamed out baby... my baby..." Nicole cried Renee and summer crying with her

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