Chapter 12

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 Day 4

3rd Person POV

Renee woke up and yawned, she noticed herself on the floor and looked around. She saw everyone in Teresa, Emma, and Krystal's hotel room and tried to re-trace her memories.


"Hey, guys! We're back from dinner!" Renee grinned while Jacky was following behind her. "Oh, hey! Welcome back how was the food?" Teresa asked. "Great!" Renee smiled. "I thought you were with Krystal and Emma?" Jacky asked Teresa. "Oh, I still am! Krystal is doing a dare and Emma had to follow her for proof." Teresa replied. "Dare?" Renee questioned. "You guys were playing 'Dares'?" Jacky said. "Yep! I said it the first time didn't I?" Teresa grinned. "Can we join?" Renee asked. "Sure, why not? More the merrier!" Teresa agreed. "Do I have to? I might have to do weird things..." Jacky groaned. "Don't be a party pooper!" Renee said giving puppy dog eyes to Jacky. "F-fine..." Jacky sighed. "Yay!" Renee said as she jumped into his arms and hugged him, while Jacky hugged back. "Aww! So cute!!!" Emma squealed as she was dragging Krystal back. "Welcome back guys. Jacky and Renee are going to join us." Teresa told the two. "ALRIGHT! MORE THE MERRIER!!!" Krystal yelled. "Shut up!" Emma glared at Krystal. "Eeeep, sorry!" Krystal squeaked.

After A While

"Everyone! XY is back!" XY yelled and bowed as she entered the hotel. No one replied to XY and continued to play their game. "Pfft, they ignored you." Misha laughed. "That's just sad..." Erebus and Aeron sighed simultaneously as XY melted down. "Guys stop bullying her!" Toby said as he helped her up. "But it's so much fun bullying her!" The triplets harmonized. "Why don't you guys join us?" Emma asked the five standing near the entrance of the hotel. "SURE!" XY screeched as she dragged the five with her to play dares. "DON'T DRAG ME!" Misha yelled at XY and hit her head. "Ouch..." Aeron whispered. "That must've hurt a lot..." Erebus commented.  "Are you okay?" Toby asked as he immediately rushed to XY's side. "Y-yeah..." XY sniffed. "Can we just play? If you guys aren't joining leave." Krystal glared at them. "S-sorry!" All five apologized and joined in the game.

A Few Moments Later

"My dear babies we have all gathered!" Sakura tried to hold in her laughter. "No! Bad Sakura! You're only allowed to call me baby!" Reiner pouted. "Naw, I call them a baby and I call you babe~" Sakura winked. "Enough with the flirting..." Ben groaned. "What's got your panties in a twist?" Misha smirked. Every laughed at Misha's comment except for Ben, "I do not have my panties in a twist for your information!" Ben commented. "So, you wear panties?" Liu coughed. "Damn Ben... I didn't know you were like that..." Link sighed, "I thought we were cool man!" "You two were cool?" Reiner asked. "STOP INTERRUPTING OUR GAME!" Krystal yelled. "What game?" Link asked. "Dares," Emma replied. "I'll join!" Liu volunteered. "Great! Why don't you all just join then." Teresa smiled. "I'll join if we move to a hotel room... The hotel lobby is cold..." Sakura shivered. "Hmm... Alright then let's go to a hotel room." Krystal thought. "Whose?" Erebus asked. "Ours," Krystal replied.

Everyone agreed and followed the 3 girls to their hotel room.

In Teresa, Krystal, and Emma's hotel room

"So, how are we gonna play this? The 'international' way or just what?" Link asked. "There's an 'international' way?" Everyone except for Link asked in confusion. "Ok... So no international way..." Link sweatdropped.

"So, how are you going to decide who goes first?" Renee asked Krystal. "Draw straws?" Krystal suggested. "Sure, why not?" Jacky said. "I'll go get some straws," Teresa said as she walked to find some straws. "First person to get the longest straw goes first?" Liu asked. "Yup, then the 2nd longest straw and so on." Krystal grinned. 

"Well then, this is going to be an interesting game then." Aeron and Misha said simultaneously as an evil aura surrounded them. "But of course this is going to be an interesting game!" Krystal giggled as an aura started to surround her too. "I have a very bad feeling about those 3..." Reiner sighed. "Who cares? It might be fun." Ben laughed it off. "Maybe..." Emma giggled. 

"Alright, I'm back with the straws and don't worry I cut them. I'll take the last one so it won't seem like I'm cheating." Teresa told everyone as she sat down. "Alright! Everyone draw 1 straw!" Krystal said as she took 1 straw followed by the others.

After everyone drew their straws, they started to check who got the longest straw.

Order: Link, Ben, Renee, Liu, Sakura, Krystal, XY, Emma, Jacky, Teresa, Aeron, Misha, Toby, Erebus, Reiner.

Reiner sighed and said, "Damn... Why do I always get the worst luck?" "Sucks to be you." XY laughed evilly. "LET'S JUST START THE GAME NO MORE CHIT-CHATTING!" Krystal yelled at everyone. "Ok, ok no need to yell!" Renee told Krystal. "Yeah, you sound like XY,"  Misha laughed. "Damn the comeback is hard!" Link said aloud, "Oops... Did I say that aloud?" "Yes, yes you did," Toby told Link. "Savage Link..." Liu shook his head. "So mean!" Renee gasped. "Let's just start the game so Krystal won't kill us, please?" Teresa asked everyone. "Yeah ok," They all replied to Teresa.


Hi!!! Sorry I haven't been updating I've been busy. The next chapter will be about the dares only. TBH, the next chapter is like a script for the dares so I hope you all enjoy it!

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