Chapt 2: "Who are You?"

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Methbrooks,Illinois-Dept Forest

I ran as fast as I could. Being on track team in my school,I could run a mile in a bout 5 minutes. I finally stopped at the edge of the woods,there was a road. I didn't see a car. I need to find someone or at least a place to sleep. after a couple minutes of walking,I hear a car. panicking I run behind a tree. I watch it go past. Quickly I ran after it. maybe it could lead me towards a town. Soon after running a couple more miles,the car turned into a dirt road in the middle of the woods. I followed it,making sure I couldn't be visible to them. The car stops in a clearing where about 12 guys were there. I Run behind a bush.Vampires. I could smell they're skin and they're sent and no I'm not a werewolf,I just know how they smell. But why was that car coming for them?! The owners of the car got out. I widened my eyes. The Winchester Brothers?! I looked in awe as they came at least 4 feet away from the group of Edward Cullen and Bella's. Must have been something going on. They started talking. I was too far away to hear them. Soon,Dean(assuming it was him) threw the first punch to the vamp he was talking to and it was an all out brawl.

The vampires were all over, Dean and Sam fighting they're way through but about 12 of them were easily going to kill them. I wanted to help. I wasn't all that bad. Most Leviathans Were bad and ate people. I did have the teeth but I never ate people. I ate normal people food and never complained being half human,Shapeshifter and $h¡+. I tried acting quickly but I never had a chance. I moved a little closer til one vampire knocked Sam on the ground. I quickly acted and ran towards the vampire full force as the shape of Sam. Bringing out my machete,slicing the head off the vampire. One grabbed my arm.Twisting it,flipping the piece of crap to the ground,decapitating it. Double header. Running up a tree,up into the branches,the 2 following me. I disappeared and reappeared behind them making a 2 in 1. Dropping the heads on the ground,I stay in the trees,watching for a moment,turning into Dean and jumping off the branch and landing on 4,killing 3,stabbing 1. Most vampires had left the scene. Sam was back up again and kill another vampire then stared at me. Dean didn't notice till after killing his meat. "what the hell?" He said turning around,with a shocked look. I walked closer. He brought out his gun. "Woah don't shoot Dean!"

I said putting my hands up. "How the heck do you know my name you f*cking Shapeshifter or Leviathan ?!Why would i not shoot you!?" He said,Sam walking up behind him. "Well that's not nice to talk about someone who just saved your life!" I put my hand on my hips,forgetting I'm still in his form. "Who are you?!" Dean said again,looking horrified. I sighed and turned back to my form. "The names Adelaide Peterson." __________________________________________
Hey Y'all! you guys like it? Vote? Comment! Follow?! Yea I know Leviathans were suppose to kill shapeshifters?! Well Alpha did YKW to her mom. He left for a while. A Leviathan came and changed to whatever form Alpha was in and YKW to her mom still thinking it was him. So when she was born and After Alpha came back....finding out wat the Leviathan did, killed him and Raised Adelaide with the mom(knew what she was and her father was) So that sums things up ehh? kk Bye!

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