Ja'far || Challenge ||

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((SIDE NOTE: Chakrams are disk-like weapons that are sharpened on the outer edges. They're throwing weapons that can rebound and such, but they are also used for close combat. I looked these up and they really caught my eye. A long time ago some people wore special types of rings and hand protectors to keep their skin safe from the outer blade. I thought these were pretty cool, so I chose them as your weapon!))

     Her metal hand guards clinked against the chakram's silver, and she grinned to Ja'far. He merely stood politely and waved to the people, not showing his weapons wound around his arms inside his sleeves. (Y/N) had seem them several times before, so she was ready to counter them.

     "But rules first!" Sinbad called, turning to the two. "You must stay inside these marked pillars," he said, pointing to the several pillars that outlined the dueling arena. "No Household Vessel assists. This is a show of your skill, not your ability with the Household Vessels."

     "Yes, King Sinbad," (Y/N) and Ja'far nodded. 

    "The first one who to give up, be pushed out of the arena, or get seriously injured, though I doubt you two will take it that far," Sinbad laughed, "will be the one who loses. Alright! Get to your starting places, and I will instruct the start."

     The two nodded and quickly made their way into the arena, and the crowd got quiet, waiting for King Sinbad's call. Sinbad eyed the two expectantly with a smile and he raised his arm in the air. "Fight!"

   (Y/N) took off running, throwing one of her chakrams to Ja'far left leg, but he easily jumped out of the way. In return, he threw one of his wires at her, but she defected it just as easily as he deflected her attack before. The crowed cheered them to go on, exhilarated to see such warriors fight. 

     The deflected attacks continued for a few more minutes until Ja'far managed to wrap one of his wires around (Y/N)'s leg, and he threw her roughly on the ground. She huffed loudly and grabbed the wire with her hands and yanked them to her causing Ja'far to stumble forwards. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and held the blade of her weapon against his pale throat. Ja'far ducked from under her control, and he jumped away, throwing his wires in random directions to make (Y/N) jump from stone to stone in a hurry. He was trying to wear her down little by little until he could make a final attack to win. 

     (Y/N) dodged the two blades attached to the wires as best as she could, but she lost her footing and just barely escaped from one. The metal make a deep slice into her ankle and she fell to the floor with a scream. Ja'far faltered, surprised how she reacted. He dropped his guard momentarily which was a grave mistake. (Y/N) smirked, happy to see her trick had worked, and she threw her chakrams in a curving motion to the white haired young man. Ja'far gasped and lunged out of the way, but not without the blades cutting his chest. He hissed and leaped up onto one of the pillars. 

    "Hmm," Sinbad grinned. He watched as (Y/N) managed to jump up after him. "Well, I didn't say they couldn't be on the pillars. Nice move, Ja'far," he laughed. 

     The two were beginning to tire, but neither showed their fatigue. They jumped from pillar to pillar with increasing speeds, and Ja'far ended up knocking them off of the structure together. They fell to the stone floor before, and they rolled away from each other coughing. Ja'far wiped a small amount of blood from the corner of his mouth, and he readied his blades again. He frowned as (Y/N) threw her weapons to the floor. The crowds surrounding them oohed in surprise, and (Y/N) held up her fists. 

     "Hand to hand, Ja'far babe," she taunted loudly, grinning. The crowds cheered and laughed as she called him by a pet name. Ja'far grinned and put away his wires. "Your move," the woman smiled. Ja'far threw a strong punch to her stomach, but she ducked and punched his abdomen where he was cut. He hissed and clutched his stomach. Blood could now be seen bleeding through his shirt, and (Y/N)'s eyes widened. Ja'far kicked his leg out and tripped her. He quickly turned to the closest pillar and ran to it, quickly jumping off at (Y/N) who was now standing again. He used his momentum and grabbed her figure by the waist, and knocked them out of the arena. 

Magi OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora