Chapter 8: Roommates

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"Good morning!" Madison waltzes into the house, dropping her duffel bag by the door.

"Morning honey!" Mum wipes her hands on the kitchen cloth and gives Maddy a big hug and walks back into the kitchen. "Ready for your camping trip?" She turns to us with two plates of pancakes. We finish them quickly and I run upstairs to grab my bag and me and Madison's head off for camp.

In less than half an hour, we're sitting on the bus, headed for Pine Hills, a camp up north. I stare out the window at the reducing buildings, turning into tree trunks in different sizes. I try to fall asleep with my head on the window, bouncing off and hitting it with every bump the wheels roll over so I give up on sleep and go on my phone instead. Madison soon falls asleep with her head on my shoulder and manages to stay asleep for the 2-hour ride to the Pine Hills.

"Alright, kids! We're here!" Instead of erupting into shouts, whooping and cheering, the entire bus just groans. Apparently, everyone is still groggy from their naps. Everyone lines up single-file to get their bag. Stepping outside feels amazing. Not just outside the bus, outside the city. The air is fresh and clean, cool and relaxing.

"Gwyn!" Maddy nudges my elbow. "He's cuteeeee." She points towards a camp instructor handing the teacher our bags. I simply roll my eyes.

"But of course, you have your sights set, don't you?" She's probably teasing me about Luke.

"Maddy, you think all guys are cute."

"Well, they are."

I walk up and grab my bag from Ms Beats.

"There you go love." Ms Beats, for some reason, calls us 'love' a lot. Not that I mind. It's kind of nice.

A little while later, every 10th grader is sitting in a circle on the floor, listening to our camp instructors lay out the rules and activities.

10 am settling in.

12.30 pm lunch

1.30 pm meetup

2.00 pm kayaking

4.00 pm mountain climbing




The list goes on forever. When the owner of the camp finally decided that we were allowed to go into our rooms, he handed us our keys. Usually, we get to choose who our roommates are. This year, the teachers decided to choose for us.

"Now, who you're staying with is final. That means no switching or crying about it. Room 205" (mine) "Gwyneth Colt and Rebecca Abbott." Ms Beats announces happily. Her statement draws an audible gasp from the whole group. Everyone knows that we don't get along well. If at all!

I walk to the front and take the keys from Ms Beats, waving Maddy goodbye. I mouth ''save me!!!!''

She's equally as upset but she's safe. She can stay with anyone, which is more than I can say for myself. I stumble off of the stone path when someone walks into me, nudging me to the side with their bag. I glare at her but Abbott simply walks off. Typical.

Remember when I said things always go wrong? Well, I've got a feeling that this year's camp will be the worst. Let the series of unfortunate events commence.

I walk up to the room to find Abbott standing there, impatiently tapping the soles of her 6-inch high heels shoes on the ground.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting forever!" She yells at me from the front of the room door.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't pushed me off the path, I would want to open the door for you quicker." The war has started.

"Whatever." She turns on her heels, her pigtails swinging round and barely miss slapping my face. "My legs hurt from standing in these heels."

"Shocker there. We're in the woods Abbott, no one's going to make you walk the catwalk here." I push past her and unlock the door, already dreading having to spend a WEEK with her. She waltzes into the room and plops down on the bed.

"Grab my bags." She pulls out her phone and points to her bags. Instead of doing what she says, I lug my own bags in and slam the door, dropping the keys on her bed.

"Get them yourself." It's only been 5 minutes and I want to rip her pigtails off. Who does she think she is? The first lady? I ignore what her command and start unpacking my things. Apparently, my words surprised Abbott.

"Excuse me?" She bolts upright. "What did you just say to me?" I put my clothes down and walk over to her and stop right in front of her, our faces so close I can feel her breaths quicken.

"Get. Them. Your. Self." I leave a little pause between each word, taunting her to do otherwise. In a massive huff, she snatches the keys from the bed and goes out to get her things. Abbott throws her bags inside then walks back out. I sit back down in my bed, acknowledging the fact that I was harsh but she needs to know she can't always boss me around. That's when I hear the lock click. Now it's my turn to bolt to the door. I turn the doorknob but it doesn't budge.

The camp's doors don't lock and unlock from the inside with a click, but with the keys, keys which Abbott has taken with her. I stomp over to the window and mouth open the door. Abbott smiles teasingly and waves bye-bye! before closing the wooden shutters from the outside, locking it and leaving.

Urgh! Why did Ms Beats have to put me with her? I pull out my phone to text Maddy but there's no signal. I'm already starting to regret coming here. With nothing else to do since the schedule's clear until 12.30, I walk around to the bathroom, hoping for a window or a back door, both of which do not exist. Because there is no other exit other than the door, I resort to the childish and panicky way of acting. Banging on the doors and windows repeatedly until someone realises that there is someone in here. The only problem is, there are only two members of camp staff staying here, one of which is talking to Ms Beats, who is probably arranging for some surprise night-time treasure hunt or something. I go for it anyways.

Pounding the door with my fist and yelling "open the door" makes me very tired, and thirsty. Unfortunately, mine and Abbott's room is at the far end of the camp, meaning that no one comes here often and we are far away from the next cabin. After a while, I sit down and drink some water before resuming my efforts of attracting some attention. I check the time on my phone. It's been a whole hour! Come onnnn. Surely somebody has to walk around here. I sit down next to the door and sigh. I'm going to probably have to wait until Abbott decides to return.

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