Chapter 2 : Early morning

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Beep Beep! Beep Beep!

My alarm rings. I roll over and check it. 5.00 am Ughhhhhh. If Madison isn't here by 6.30 sharp, I'll kill her. I decide to sleep for a few more minutes then get up to get ready. I'm halfway through brushing my teeth when the doorbell rings. Okay, it's probably Charlie. Charlie delivers newspaper to our house every morning. Some days, he comes early. Since both my parents are heavy sleepers, I always get the door so he's seen me with toothpaste and foam in my mouth plenty of times. He also lives across the street, him, Madison and I are pretty close.

I throw my towel around my neck and keep brushing my teeth as I go jog down the hall and down the stairs to the door. My breath catches and my face burns when I see who is at the door. Luke. Really? Now? Why didn't I look through the window first???!!! My hand finally moves to wipe off some toothpaste from my lips and cheek. Great. For the rest of my school life, this is what he'll remember me as. Just perfect.

"Hey! Did I come at a bad time?" He tries to contain his amusement.

"Yeah, I'm-I was brushing my teeth. Just a sec." I close the door and run over to the kitchen sink. I spit and rinse, making sure I have no more white paste on my chin. I re-open the door. "Hi."

"Hi." He stuffs his hands into his pockets. "So, I wanted to ask you about camp. Are you going this year?"

Camp? Really? "Yeah. You?"

"You kidding me? 3 hour hikes in the forest and roasting marshmallows over the fire? Who can say no?" Okay. Reason number 3 to go to Pine Hills Camp this year : Luke is going too. Oh! I didn't mention the first two reasons did I?

#1: Madison will kill me if I don't go.

#2: She will look after me and make sure I don't fall head first into a puddle of mud again and I might have a good time.

#3: Luke's going.

"Gwyn?" Luke looks shy. I can't believe my eyes. He's just seen me at 5 in the morning with toothpaste on my face and with hair of a lion and he's acting all weird? Wow.

"That's new." I blurt out.

"What?" He looks very confused.

"You. You're acting all shy and squirmy. I'm the one who opened the door with a face full of toothpaste and foam. Is everything alright?" I point to my kitchen sink and my mane (hair) to prove my point.

"Yeah. I actually didn't come violate your privacy at your front door just to see if you were going to camp or not." He rubs his head and grins sheepishly.

"Well Luke, I sure hope not." I pretend to be angry.

"Gwyn. I actually wanted to ask you about the winter formal."

"What about it?" Thinking about it, I realize I haven't got a date to the winter formal yet. Maddy on the other hand, has her pick of the litter. "I might not be going since I don't have a date."

"I need to ask you something, just... maybe not now."

"Alright. Well, if it's fine by you, I need to go get dressed Maddy will be here at 6.30 sharp and she will be real mad if I'm not ready by then." I nod towards her house.

"Sure. I'll see you in chem?"

"Sure thing. See you!" I shut the door and wait till he walks away.

Ring!! The door rings again. I groan before turning around.

"Luke, I said I'll see you in class." I open the door and see Charlie with his usual stack of newspapers by his feet. "Sorry. I thought you were Luke."

"What gave me away?" He looks at his clothes and chuckles. "Anyways, what was Luke Hemingway doing at your house at 5 in the morning? Could it be?" I push him backwards till he starts to walk off my porch.

"Nice try smarty pants. Now go. I need to get ready. Madison's going to be here soon and I need to take a shower."

"Yeah. You need one." I slam the door in his face and laugh.

Going back up the stairs, I think about what Luke said. He's got something to say about the formal? Well, I'll just have to wait till period 3 then, chemistry class with Luke and Mr Pierce. No, not Pierce Brosnan, but that would be awesome.

I take a quick shower and then get dressed. Since Tina was helping me pack last night, she picked my outfit for today. High waisted jeans, a loose grey crop top over a white tank top and a kimono styled jacket. Wow. Tina definitely knows fashion, at least better than me anyways. I put on her outfit and check my school planner. 3 homeworks due. As I flip over to the next page, two post it notes fall out. I pick them up and unfold them.

The first one is pink, saying 'what do you want for lunch? - Mad'. It was probably from Maddy, asking me yet again, about food.

I read the next one and my heart skips a beat. 'Finish 3,000 word essay: How William Shakespeare contribute to english literature. Due after lunch for Mr Wexler.' I completely forgot. Guess I'll just have to finish it at lunch. I haven't got a lot left anyways, only about 500 words. I might miss Meatball Monday but that's fine. I won't get detention.

I pick up my backpack and put my school books and planners and pens and pencils and calculators and snacks and everything I need inside then I head back downstairs to grab breakfast. I check my phone. 5.45 am. I have almost an hour before Madison comes over. Both my parents are writers, they work late, sleep late, wake up late but they love their job.

I walk over to the stove and throw on a frying pan. Opening the fridge, I see that I need to do some grocery shopping. Side note - my parents never go out shopping, only for paper, printer ink, or to visit their publishers, Firestones Publishing. I grab the last several eggs and bacon that we have and throw them in the pan. While I wait for them to cook, I put some bread in the toaster.

The smell of sizzling bacon wafts through the house.

"What's that I smell?" Tina sniffs the air and sits down at the table, plopping her bag next to her seat. "Wow. You're not usually up this early."

"Madison's coming over in half an hour." I reply. She knows Maddy tends to come over quite a lot.

"Great! I miss her. Haven't talked to her for a while." My little sister claps her hands in excitement. "In fact, I'm going to pop over to hers for a bit. I see her light's on. Be back in a bit." She walks out the door.

The sweet smell of bacon and eggs turns to something starting to burn. I turn away from the coffee machine and rescue our breakfast in time. I put the bacons and eggs into four plates -mom, dad, Tina and me. Maddy eats her breakfast at school. I put two plates to the side for mom and dad and cover them up. I leave a quick note and start on my breakfast. By the time I've finished, Tina and Maddy come through the door.

"Good morning!!!" Madison sing-songs as she waltzes in. I pretend to cover my ears and roll my eyes. "You know you love it babe." She sure knows how to make a grand entrance. The duo sit down at our table and chat. Tina talks in between bites and Maddy listens. I sit silently, sipping my coffee.

"Gwyn, ready to go?" I finish the last few drops then put it in the sink.

"I'm ready!" I grab my bag and leave for school with Tina and Madison.

That was the second chapter. I just uploaded the first one yesterday and it's got 13 views! I know, it's not a lot. But hey! I'm excited! I'm going to upload the next one as soon as I finish it (and hopefully Room 101 as well)!

Credit: Thanks to Meaogift for the cover and banner! Go check out her Instagram and Facebook pages :

Instagram : meaodraw

Facebook : meaogift

Also! Quick thanks to ParichSakulkerewatan for helping me correct my typos ;D

He has an amazing novel called 'The Soviet Comrades'. It takes place during a war (WWII). Anyways, it's really cool and if you're in to historical fiction and romance,  pop over to his page and check it out. Thanks again!

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