Hospital trip

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Daddy can we go ice skating plz julie asked

Yup lets get the guys first. zayn said


Julie don't go so fast i don't want you to get hurt. zayn said.

julie did a double axel and when she landed she fell hard on the ice.

JULIE screamed the guys.

DADDY cried julie.

julies leg starts turning color and thats when the guys decide for a hospital trip.


julie what color cast would you like hun. Dr. jones asked.

Blue julie said.

Okay now i want you to have this cast on for 6-8 weeks ok. dr. jones asked.

Okay dr. i will. Julie said.


Daddy will you get me some ice cream plz.julie asked.

Of course i will. zayn said.

Thank you daddy i love you.julie said.

I love you to baby. zayn said.

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