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Hunny?asked justin

Yeah hun.i asked.

Nevermind.justin said.

Okay.i said.

Julie and Justin Had just finished dinner and our now lying in bed they start to make out when things get heated.

Next morning.............................................................

Babe do you feel alright justin asked.

Justin.........I think im pregnant. i said.

Can you go in my bag sweetie and get a test my mum packed 1 you know just in case. i said.

yup of course jules. justin said

after 5 minutes...............................................................

JUSTIN.I screamed.

HUNNEY WHAT IS IT.justin paniked.

Its positive were having a baby.i said thrilled.

OMG were having a little timberlake, justin said.

We have to go see my parents they'll want to know,i said.

at home....................................................

Mummy,daddy guess what,i screamed into the house.

Julie whats going on my dad asked.

ME AND JUSTIN ARE PARENTS.i screamed proudly.


whos little gurl,my mom asked.

OUR little girl zayn said.

Thats what i thought,she said smiling.

were really excited for the both of you.Niall said.

Yay i'm an uncle,harry said.

Me to Liam said.

Well how do you think we feel, were grandparents. zayn said along with perrie.

I love you princess,zayn said

I love you to daddy. i said.

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