I'm Myoko's Son?

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"Coran! Quick! Get a DNA sample!" Allura was rushing around the castle in exitement. "Allura, please calm down, I understand youre exited, but we cant get a DNA sample if you're shaking." Keith said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Allura nodded and took a swab sample from inside Keiths mouth, and gave it to Coran, "Thank you Princess. Now this will take a lot longer than a few ticks, so if you want to rest up, go ahead." He explained. Everyone nodded and went into their rooms.

"Paladins, I've gotten the results back, please arrive immediately." Was projected throughout the castle, roughly 3 hours later.
Everyone ran into the control room, Keith and Allura in front. "Well?" Allura asked.

Coran pulled up two pictures, both of DNA. In the center bottom, the words in bold green, "MATCH"

Allura jumped, "You are Myoko's son! You're half Altean! Me, Coran and the mice arent the only survivors!"

Keith froze. Yeah he was half Altean. That was cool, he could finally relate to Coran and Allura.

But what really got to him was his Galra half. Half of who he was, were the race hes trying to stop from taking over the universe.

Keith faked a smile and left to his room. Lance was skeptical, and followed him.

Keith was sat, on his bed. Looking out to space, wondering, he knew that he would stay at Voltrons side, but it still rattled in his mind. Will he grow cat-like ears? Will his hair and skin turn purple?

What if i go crazy? Was the main problem at the back of his mind.

"Yo, Keith. You ok bud?" The tan boy's question was left unanswered. "Mullet." Still nothing.
"Mullet!" Lance was getting annoyed.
"OK! I heard you the first time." Keiths gaze didnt leave the window, and the tiny stars that flicker behind the glass.

Keiths tone was different than what he would usually use towards Lance. And they noticed this. Lance walked towards the bed, and looked into the same direction Keith was.

"So? What do you want?" Keith eventually asked, his voice slightly shaking.

"Are you ok? I know that was a fake smile earlier." Lance said encouragingly.

Keith shook his head. "Ever since I was a kid, I never knew who my parents were, or even if theyre alive. It doesnt help also, that half of who I am, is part if the race we are trying to... pretty much, kill."

Lance didnt say anything, he just sat, and listened to the raven, quite intently too.

"I just... I dunno, kind of feel... I dunno. My minds a mess. Theres one thought thats got me slightly worried."

"Right?" Lance said, to ensure to the boy hes interested and listening.

"And, its that... god I can't believe I'm telling you of all people..." Keith muttered.

Lance chuckled slightly, before letting Keith continue. "What if I snap? What if I lose all control?" Lance could tell that the boy infront of him wasnt the same hot headed raven that could bite back at his remarks. He could tell from Keith's voice and his body language.

It wasnt long before the two paladins started to laugh and bicker at their situation. "Dude you know what this means?"

Keity shrugged, "That Zarrah dude, your dad," Keith nodded, "Wasn't he a prince?"

"Oh shit yeah," The raven started to laugh, "so what, does that make me royalty too?"

They both broke out laughing, and after their energy was depleted, they both were knocked out and fell asleep.

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