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The students are starting to fill the hallway of Crystal Prep Academy. Indigo Zap is leaning against her locker. She switch on her camera and started filming herself.

"Hi, my name's Indigo Zap and I'm here to film a video of my friends at school including myself. Now, I'm sure you're all wondering about why am I filming a video during schooling hour. Wouldn't I get in trouble for doing so?"

Indigo let out a chuckle before continuing. "Well, the answer is no. I won't get in trouble because I told the Dean that I will be helping my friend Twilight Sparkle to clean up her really messy lab since its her last day here at CPA before she transfer to Canterlot High." Indigo shuddered at the word 'Canterlot High'. "Saying the name of our rival school just makes me shudder because the students there are freaky. By me saying freaky, I mean they are freaky, like literally because one of them actually spouted wings during the events of our last Friendship Games that was held a few weeks ago."

Awkward silence.

"You must be thinking that I must be crazy...right?" Indigo let out a sigh. "Very well then, here's a video that will prove to you that I'm not crazy." Indigo pull her phone out from her pocket and put it near the camera after a few taps. The video on her phone shows what happened during the Friendship Games. Rainbow Dash started sprouting wings halfway through the motor cross event. When the video had ended, Indigo shoves her phone into her pocket. "Now you know that I'm not crazy. The footage of the video you just saw is real. No editing but just an original real life footage that shows a girl sprouting wings. Alright, I guess thats enough screening time for me. Let's go and meet my friends. Shoot!"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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