Dreaming (Cameron Dallas fanfic)

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"Plane 102 for California now boarding." The caller announced. I was hugging my mom, we both had tear stained cheeks.

My older brother Kye had also been crying. It was gonna be hard to leave my family, but I had to. Today was the day I was going to finally live my dreams of being a model.

"Safe journey sweet heart, I'll miss you." My mom said as I began to walk towards the terminal.

"Have fun." My brother sniffed while waving.

I turned around and walked onto the plane. This is it meg. No going back now.

I was really exited to get to California and start modelling.

I pushed back all the thoughts to the back of my mind and began to relax as I sat down next to the window. Goodbye Vegas, hello California.

This was my first time leaving home, I'd never even been on vacation without my parents before. Well I only have my mom, my dad died a few years ago on a business trip. But I also have my brother Kye, we get on really well surprisingly.

Vegas was great, when I was a kid my grandpa used to always take me to the carnivals and take me shopping. But as I grew up I got bored of it, it's nothing more than a place where people like to gamble and get drunk out of their minds. It is known as the party state... But I'm not even old enough to drink yet, as I'm only 18. 3 more years.

I watched another episode of vampire diaries on my iPad to entertain myself on the plane.

My friend Bex knows one of the models I'm working with. Apparently he's really hot and he's extremely popular with the women. His name's Cameron Dallas.

After a few hours of watching vampire diaries, the plane was finally begining to land.

I just wanted more than anything, to fit in.

As I was getting off the plane I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Without looking at caller ID I picked it up.

"Hey?" I asked unsure.

"Hello Meg, it's Claire from your management. I just wanted to let you know there's a meeting later on tonight at 6pm. It'll let you know about the upcoming photo shoot."

"Yeah sure. Where is it?"

"I'll text you the details. There are 4 other people on your shoot, you will be working with them and hopefully make friends with them."

"Sounds great." I smiled. I really was exited about this.

"Okay I'll text you where the place is, have fun for the next few hours."

"Thanks." I managed to say before the call ended.

It had just gone 3PM. I had 3 hours to find my appartment, move all my stuff in and get ready for this meeting.

I pulled my bags off from the belt and waited outside for a taxi. Not long later a taxi pulled up.

"Where you heading to?" The driver asked as I got in with my bags.

"Uhm, hertford road?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"Ah alright." He said as he loaded the metre and bean to drive.

I looked out the window at the sunny skies of California. The skies were brighter and a lot more beautiful than back home. Everything seamed a lot more calm and relaxed... Just the way I like it.

"Here you are." The driver said as we stopped outside a block of appartments.

I looked at the metre, $8.56. I handed him a $10 and told him to keep the change.

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