Chapter Two: Some Night

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Another day at school! This time, I came to school early! I sat next to Shaine as usual.

"Took you long enough!" she greeted as I pulled a seat.

"Yea. Hey." I greeted back and sat down.

"Where were you yesterday? I noticed that you vanished when the bell rang for dismissal!"

One thing that my cousin said on Twitter that was true: Easily distracted people are the creative ones. Which explain why she has a vivid imagination and why they're easily manipulated (No offense).

"I went to Derek and Brendon. Talking about life and gave me a ticket to a UFC match." I explained.

"Ahh..." she sighed. "Isn't that the Online PvP thingy?"

"Yep. Tr@nM!"

"I thought you quit gaming last year."

"I said that so Carla won't be onto me. I have a backup account named Cyb3r.Ch1c. Don't tell her!" I told her.

She zipped her mouth, and crossed her heart. "I swear upon the River Styx!" She chanted (It's a PJO thing). "If you want, we'll pinky swear for it!" she held out her pinky.  I just smiled and wrapped her pinky with mine. "You should bring me to those fights too! I heard they're awesome!" Shaine's not a huge gamer, but anything that's a fighting game grabs her attention.

"Sure! If I can." I laughed.

I survived the whole day of my school of boredom (and Jade's torments) until the time passed to dismissal, Thank God! I grabbed my bag and hurried back.

"Roe wait!" I heard Shaine yelled. "You wanna ride with us?" she asked me.

"Okay!" I shrugged.

"Great! But we gotta wait for my little brothers." Shaine informed.

We got in Shaine's car while waiting for her 3 little brothers to get in. We talked a few minutes. I told her what Derek and Brendon drawn something disturbing on some guy's bald head during free time.

"They did what???" she reacted.

"Yup. They drew the actual D on the guy's forehead!" I told her, laughing.

"Oh. My. Fucking. GODS!!! Ewww!" she shouted.

"And it's still there, and the guy has no idea what happened!"

Shaine made gagging noises while I was still laughing. After Shaine's brothers came in, they drive me home! "Thanks again!" I waved and turned to my house under construction. I came in the house and saw mom in the kitchen. I stopped for a moment and remembered the UFC tomorrow! How am I going to tell her?

"Uhm, mom?" She turned to me with a curious look.

"Yes dear?" I thought of an excuse to let me go to Vegas.

"Karl's friend, Rick, is holding a birthday party for him. It's tomorrow in Las Vegas, and I'm invited."

She looked at me even more curious since she doesn't let me go out of the state. "So can I come?" I asked and flashed my grin. "Is Carla coming?" she asked me. She always asked for Carla, or Eva, the first honor of the whole batch, because if they don't go, I don't go either.

"Oh yea! Totally! The entire batch is coming!" I lied.

"Alright. But don't be late!"

"Okay!" I said and went to my room. I noticed that my brother isn't here.

Must have moved out...?

Nah. His stuff is still there.

Opened my laptop, logged in my Tr@nM! Account and received a GM from Rick.

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