Chapter 9 (Edited)

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I didn't know how long I had been sitting there, but I had stopped crying. My eyes hurt, and my nose was running. This was one of the reasons as to why I hated crying. The other reason was because my parents used to make rude comments when I did cry and not comfort me like they had when my sister cried.

"Ans?" I heard Blue ask, knocking on the door. "Are you going to open up now?"

I didn't reply and just stared at my shaking hands. I knew that I needed to take my medication, but I did not want to move from my place. The door was locked behind me, but I knew that if I moved, then Blue would try to get in, even though all I wanted to do was be alone.

"You are having a pity moment, and I know that you don't like it," Blue said. He sighed and leaned his head against the back of the door before letting out a small chuckle. "I remember the first time that I heard you cry when you were five and cried in front of your parents," he said. "Your parents were so rude to you, and I almost slapped them across their face." Disgust was evident in his tone, and I knew that he hated the way that my parents had basically ignored me and let a nanny raise me.

"Why do you care about me?" I asked, my voice hoarse. It was a question that ate at me. I had killed his best friend, the male that he considered his brother. And yet, he cared about me. He loved me as if I was his child.

"Because," Blue said. "I had always thought of you as my daughter. The moment that I had laid eyes on you, I knew that you had my heart in your hands." He sighed, and I knew that he was looking at his hands. "I hadn't found my mate when you were born, and I do not know when I will ever find her. You have been the only girl that I needed, the girl that I had adopted as my daughter."

I moved a bit and unlocked the door before pushing it open a bit. I was stunned to see Blue look at me with tears in his eyes. This man hadn't cried in front of me for the longest time. I knew that he did cry, because he was... sort of human. But, he never cried in front of me. He had been my rock for as long as I had remembered, picking me up when my parent's were rather rude.

Blue opened his arms and closed them when I was in them. He kissed the top of my head and held me tight when I cried. "I remember the first time that you called me "dad"," he whispered, his voice cracking. "Your father was so pissed, but he understood. He hadn't been there for you, and I had been. I had showed him that love can conquer all." He placed a kiss on my temple. "You are my daughter, Anastasia. I know that you had father issues when you were younger, but I will be the father that you never had."

I clutched him tight against me and took a deep shuddering breath. My parents might have pushed me away and had caused me to turn to jealousy and power, but this man had showed me what love was without me knowing it. This man had been the father that I hadn't realized I had. "You all ready are," I whispered. "You are all ready the father that I never had."


Somebody cleared their throat, causing me to pull from the male that was like my father and look up. Michael stood there looking uncomfortable. His hair was messed up, and I could tell that he was conflicted. "Are you..."

I nodded my head and wiped my eyes. "I will be," I said. "It will be a while, but I will be fine."

"Clarissa and I are..."

"You need to go talk to her, Michael," I said. "See why she hates me the way that she does."

"She hates you because Alexia was her best friend." He glanced down and shifted on his feet. "Alexia has been my best friend first, and she has written me a letter before her death to not hate you. She has told me about the struggles you had faced growing up, knowing that you might need a friend in the pack." He offered me a smile, but it turned into a grimace.

"I am guessing you never showed her the letters?" I asked, causing the other male to shake his head. I pursed my lips and sighed. "If you can't get her to change her attitude, then show her. I do not know what my sister had written, but I hope that it showed my struggles of growing up in a place where I was not loved."

"It did," Michael assured me. He scrunched up his face. "She left a letter for you. Would you like it?"

I hesitated. My sister had died because of me, but she still loved me. If she didn't love me, then she wouldn't have written me a litter. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. "Please," I said, needing to know what my sister had written.

When I was younger, Alexia used to tell me that she was special. I thought she was trying to prove a point of her being pronounced queen, even though she was the oldest. However, as I got older and learned a bit about my family tree, I realized that she was talking about the fact that she could see the future. Unfortunately, this was after the fact I had killed her in a feat of power.

Blue rubbed my arms when he felt me shiver. "You haven't taken your pill," he commented, changing the damn subject. He smiled cheekily when I glared at him before looking at me in shock when my eyes flashed to those of my Wolf.

"What the fuck?" I asked, jerking my head back from his grasp. My whole body was tense, and I didn't like how he was holding my head. "Watch the head."

"Would you stop moving," Blue grumbled, keeping my head in place. "Flash your eyes, again."

"Why?" I asked.

"Uh, because it isn't red," he said, sarcastically. "It's gold."

My whole body stiffened. "G-g-gold?" I asked, my voice shaking. "You are shittin' me, right?"

Blue pulled away and blinked. "I don't poop out Anastasia's," he replied. "I poop out shit." He waved his hands, dismissively. "But, I am serious. Your eyes was gold."

"What's with gold eyes and red?" Avery asked, and I was a bit surprised that she was still here. Her eyes were a bit red, and I could tell that she had cried a little. Want filled her eyes, and I knew that she wanted a hug from me.

I gave her a small smile and moved away from Blue before opening my arms. I enveloped the ten year old into a hug and kissed the side of her head. "I am fine," I said, softly. "The words might hurt for a bit, but I have had worse said to me."

"Some from her own father," Blue growled out. He huffed when I gave him a pointed look. "And, the gold eyes are the one that she has because she is a Royal. The reason that they are red is because of the power that she had received."

"What does red symbolize?"

"Rogue," I replied, pulling her back to look at her in the eyes. I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear before wiping any stray tears away from her eyes. "If you ever see a red eye, you need to scream as loud as you can before running and trying to find a place to hide. I will teach you basic skills, but I do not want you to fight."

"Will you come?"

"If I am able to, then yes," I promised. "I will fight anyone to protect you."


My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن