Chapter 3 - A Damsel tired of Distress

Start from the beginning

Yes, she was just kidnapped by the son of her dad's arch nemesis.

And, no, she did not have super powers.

(Like, just because her dad is the Captain Fantastic doesn't mean she has to follow in his footsteps and be a crime fighting badass. April does just fine on her own, thank you very much.)

(And, by just fine she means currently hanging with her arms above her head over a shark tank.)

(Yeah, April lived a weird life.)

But, with a superhero dad, it's probably surprising that villains didn't kidnap her and hold her for ransom just for that fact. Though her dad is retired, mostly. He says he's retired, but he still does publicity saves and magazine shoots and things. Things to show the public that he was still around, but nothing too crazy.

His main job is, or was, training White Knight. Her dad considered White Knight to be the perfect son that he never had, which was kind of frustrating since he got all of her father's attention and he wasn't even an actual kid of his.

"Tsk. You're hero should be here by now, April." Anakin noted, shaking his head.

April sighed as loudly as she possibly could. "Maybe Brandon's busy with having a real life, Anakin."

He turned faster than a dog who spotted someone touching his treat. "April, we've talked about this!" he whined.

She would've knocked her head against the wall if it was an option. "We're literally alone right now. We all know each other's real names and identities, so what's the point of calling you Black Knight behind closed doors? No one is here to keep up appearances for."

He scoffed. "You calling me by my real name is like, not right. It's like calling Lady Gaga by Stefani, or calling Marilyn Monroe by Norma Jean. It just feels weird."

April reeled back and narrowed her eyes at him. "Did you just compare yourself to Lady Gaga and Marilyn Monroe? Is there something you aren't telling me, Anakin?"

It was his turn to be annoyed. "Very funny, April. Just you wait until White Knight shows up. I'll beat him so bad that you won't recognize him one bit. I'll beat him into a pulp."

"Just like every other time." She mumbled under her breath.

You see, there's a reason the McPhail family was both the most successful crime family and the least successful. For one, they literally have the word 'fail' in their name (if you count the ph as an f). And, they never managed to destroy their enemies in life. April's father was still standing after years of fighting Doctor Destruction, and Black Knight always failed to seriously hurt anything other than White Knight's pride. Not to mention that they had serious competition with the Rossi family. The McPhails were actual super villains, but the Rossis had corporate power with Rossi Corp.

It was normal for the two to banter like this whenever he kidnapped her. It might sound strange, but April had been put into so many death-defying situations that she'd become desensitized to them. Besides, living like her you tend not to make many real friends who don't just like you because of the fame of basically being a superhero's girlfriend. Anakin was a bit loopy in the head and a bit evil, but he was one of the closest things she could call a friend.

Anakin just about hated everyone in existence, except for April. He hated White Knight with all of his being, so April believed he thought he was sort of saving her from him every time he caught her. They both knew he was never really going to hurt her, seeing as he has had a sort of reverse Stockholm syndrome thing with April since the beginning. He was a bit obsessed at times.

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