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Nunoe woke up that morning groggy. She'd dragged herself to bed at around 2 AM, unable to concentrate any longer. Her homework was half finished.

"Nuuuuu-chhi! Come for breakfast!" Fuyu's call wafted down the hall and laid to rest in Nunoe's sleepy ears.

"Huh..." Nunoe groaned back in response, stretching painfully. She glanced at her bedroom mirror. Apart from having a stain on it from that time Sumire as accidentally hurled dye at it, it was also decked with peeling stickers and photos.

"I should really grow up," Nunoe mumbled absentmindedly, combing her hair. After washing up and putting on her uniform, she went for breakfast.

"Hurry, Fuyu's already done." Her mother said disapprovingly. Nunoe nodded and began to wolf down her food.

"C'mon, Onee-san!" Fuyu pouted from the front door, slipping her feet into her outdoor shoes.

"Onee-san? You're feeling polite today," Nunoe grinned, finishing up her cereal with a flourish of the spoon.

"Whatever." Fuyu laughed. Their mother smiled.

"I'll be going now, kids, I have to catch the morning bus today for the meeting," she said, pecking each of her daughters on the cheek. "Walk to school safely, okay?"

"See you tonight, Mom," Fuyu said, as Nunoe rushed back to her bedroom to pack up her stuff. She heard the front door shut.

Fuyu began to hum aimlessly as Nunoe threw her papers and books into her backpack.

"I really should have packed last night," she muttered.

"Too right," Fuyu called back from the living room. Nunoe gritted her teeth.

"Right, let's go." The two sisters walked out the front door as a cold breeze left them with chattering teeth. Nunoe locked the door, slipped her house key into her pocket, and the two set off at a leisurely pace down the cobbled, empty street.

"Look at all the colors, Onee-san!" Fuyu pointed at the fiery arrangement of fall leaves peppering the sidewalks. From far away, a train's horn sounded. Above them, the foggy air met the gray, wintery clouds.

"Pretty," Nunoe nodded, rubbing her hands together.

"Here, I packed my extra gloves." Fuyu pulled them out of her bag's side pocket and passed them to her sister. Nunoe pulled them on gratefully.

"Why do you even have extra gloves?" Nunoe asked.

"Just in case," Fuyu said with a wink, which made Nunoe laugh.

Fuyu looked at the sky. "It really is a really pretty day."

"You can't see the sun, though." Nunoe said. Her legs were trembling as they sliced through the cold air.

"It's still pretty cool, though! Get it?" Fuyu leapt and pirouetted off into the road, her icy breath fogging like smoke out of her mouth.

"Get off the road," Nunoe said disapprovingly. Fuyu obeyed, albeit with a cheeky smile still slapped onto her face.

"You didn't get much sleep last night, did you?" Fuyu asked.

"Why, because my eyes are all baggy?" Nunoe said aggravatedly.

"Yeah, and you're walking all tipsy like a drunk." Fuyu reached out to steady her stumbling sister. "Here, let's hold hands!"

"Ew, no." Nunoe pulled away, laughing.

"Come on," Fuyu said, trying again. This time Nunoe gave in, and they walked hand in hand down the street. From behind, they looked like twins, with the same hairstyle and being within an inch of each other's heights, despite their three-year age difference.

"I've got to stay after school for that committee meeting," Fuyu grumbled. "I don't like being in charge."

"Then why are you in charge?" Nunoe asked testily.

"Because I like it," Fuyu grinned. "What are you up to?"

"Ugh, I have to serve another detention." Nunoe muttered.

"But your slate was clean just yesterday!" Fuyu said, alarmed.

"Yeah, but I didn't finish this English homework, which means I'm gonna get it again." Nunoe sighed.

"I'm not good at English either," Fuyu said consolingly.

"But you've still got years to improve," Nunoe countered. "I'm almost out of school."

"You're only a second-year," Fuyu said tentatively.

"Yeah, which means one more year of suffering." Nunoe griped.

"I wish I could help you," Fuyu said sadly. "But I can't."

"That's sweet. It's the thought that counts, you know." Nunoe said dully.

"Really! I wish we could be in the same school like we were before. Then we could hang out all the time." Fuyu said, eyes widening as she imagined it.

"Why, don't you have friends?" Nunoe said, eyebrows raised. "I thought I was the unpopular one in the family."

"No, you're not," Fuyu said stubbornly. "I'd rather hang out with you, anyway."

Nunoe paused. "Thanks, Fuyu."

"I mean, I go to school and I'm not on bad terms with anyone, really, and everyone likes me. But it's no fun unless you have someone you can always lean back and chat with, you know?"

"I know." Nunoe said shortly. She averted her eyes from her sister.

"Yeah, I know you know. So when those other kids don't hang out with you and stuff on purpose, just look forward to being able to talk with me later, right? I do that all the time when I'm at school. Every boring meeting and every boring lunch, I look forward to having fun with you and Mom at home."

"That's really mature of you, Fuyu." Nunoe said, ruffling her sister's hair. "And sweet."

"It's just what you'd do if you want to keep your shoulders square, you know? And to keep looking at people with an open mind, an open heart, but still know inside that you're not alone and you won't be lonely."

Nunoe smiled. That sounded familiar. "You're getting more like me every day, Fuyu."

"I know!" Fuyu allowed herself a toothy grin, but immediately again became serious again. "So remember, Onee-san! Don't feel lonely because Maeda is turning people against you, okay? In the realest reality, these butt-kissers have no merit! No goodness!"

"Butt-kissers? Is that the best you can come up?" Nunoe scoffed, hiding her laughter. Her sister really did try too hard sometimes.

"It's the best they can become." Fuyu said scathingly, and Nunoe roared with laughter.

"I'm a burner," Fuyu smiled. The two sisters stopped, gulping in mouthfuls of chilly air. The road ahead of them lead to Fuyu's school.

"We're here." Fuyu said, and began to walk away. "Keep that all in mind, okay, Onee-san? And make sure to bring your appetite to dinner tonight!"

"Got it." Nunoe smiled and waved at her sister's receding figure. In seconds, she'd disappeared behind the brass doors of the school. Nunoe was alone.

She turned back to the road and made her way down the street. The wind was starting to pick up, whipping at her back and her hair. She blinked her bangs out of her tears, and tears from the chill streamed down her face. She wasn't just crying from the cold, though.

I need to become closer to my sister, She thought. If I hadn't been so blind before, I could've seen then that I only need Fuyu to trust with my feelings.

But then again, now I know more than ever that it's not safe to pile all your feelings on anyone...

If they didn't ask for it...

No matter how much they say they love you.  

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