Chapter 3: Letter Threat and Ruka's Weird Emotions

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Love or War

Author's note: Guys, this is my chapter 3 and I hope you'll like it. Pls give me a title suggestion for this chapter I'm not quite sure if the title I put is related to the story.

Chapter 3:

Letter Threat and Ruka's Weird Emotions

Natsume was having his thoughts while he was headed to his dorm room.

'What is with those weird teachers? I've been always noticing that they're asking me favors which are always related to that girl. Worst part is, I always end up doing it on my own...Why does that girl have to exist anyway...And another is my mission. Before she came to the academy I do my missions without a doubt. But now, I doubt doing my missions and I don't event want to do it sometimes. What the heck...'

Just as he finished his thoughts, he saw that he was already in front of his dorm room. He didn't even notice the people he passed by because he was in deep thought.

"Whoa, that was fast...I'm already here."

He unlocked his room and entered; he was flabbergasted when he saw Ruka in his room.

"Ruka, what are you doing here?"

"Just came to give you this." Ruka said as he handed Natsume an envelope.

Natsume got the letter from Ruka.

"What's this?"

"I don't know. When I entered my room, I saw that on my bed and it has a note attached to it. It says that I give that letter to you."

"Ok, well thanks anyway."

Ruka was about to leave but then...

"Hey Natsu, I want to ask you something."

"Well, okay. I'll just read this."


Natsume opened the letter and read it.

Here is the content of the letter:

Hello Natsume, how are you...and your brunette-haired girlfriend?

I heard that you don't do your missions well. What is it with your girlfriend? I think she's the reason of your missions to be half-done. I told you once, I won't let anyone be on your way, and I think that that girlfriend of yours is a hindrance to your missions. So if I were you, I'm gonna watch that girlfriend of yours, or else...

And if I were you, I'd stay away from her even if it means hurting her, before it's too late.

From: Persona

After Natsume finished reading the letter, he burned the letter and turned it into ashes.


"Natsume, what is it?"


"Are you sure? It's the second time I heard you say that. And if you say that, it means that there's something up...What's up with that letter?"

"It's nothing important."

"Then why did you..."

"Really, it's nothing. Don't worry."

"If you say so. Then, I'll ask now...What do you..."

Natsume cut what Ruka was going to say.

"Sorry Ruka, let's talk about that later. I have to do something else."


"I really have to do something."

Natsume leaves Ruka. When Natsume was out of sight, Ruka went out of Natsume's room and locked the door.

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