The Last Straw

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Of all the people to leave me in this state, I never thought that Jace will do it. I didn’t take his pen and ink-thing, the last time that I saw that stupid pen and inkwell was three months ago, on his shelf, now it’s in front of me reflecting my pain-stricken face.

No, I must not succumb to my grand plan yet, not yet. I have to convince Jace that I didn’t do it; I really hope that he understands. I don’t want a good friendship to end this way. And I did it one Sunday; its three weeks away before summer starts and it’s already a blistering 28 degrees. I crossed the street and rang the doorbell, Jace opened the door smiling but when he saw me it turned into a scowl, he said “What is it Michaels? I’m busy.” Ouch.

“I just want to talk.” I replied calmly though internally I’m jittering like crazy. He stared right into my eyes like he’s trying to pry my mind open then he said “Fine, but it better be worth it.” And he finally let me in.

“Get on with your “talk” Michaels.” He said as we sat at the breakfast bar.

“First of all, I didn’t take your pen and inkwell, what am I going to do with that? Plus if I have a purpose for that, I have no idea how to use one.” I replied.

“Really? So it magically appeared in your room? And during the process, it broke itself?” he said, rubbing raw, unfiltered hatred and sarcasm hard on my face.

I’m getting a little pissed now. “Jace, I DID NOT TAKE IT. Why on earth will I take it then?”

“So you can always have a part of me. I know that you fancy me Michaels, but I don’t swing that way. Even if I do, I DO NOT DATE THIEVES. I support LGBT, but I’ll make this one exception to you and it’s purely understandable.” Ha spat out.

He has no idea how his simple words arrive in my ears as icy shards. “Forget it, you’re so dense.”

As I left him in the dining room, he shouted “I know, Michaels. I know..."


Plan B Phase 1 has been in act for a while now and I have no idea now what is happening to my targets so I tested the waters, in Layman’s term (or something) I asked Jace.

“Hey Jace! How’s it going?” I asked completely casual.

“Idiots are up, Rose. Idiots, a lot of them.” He replied his voice full of suppressed anger, I frowned at that but inside my inner Goddess is searching the right music for our victory dance.

“I don’t understand Jace.”

“Someone took my Michel DbRonivnoc fountain pen and inkwell set, and that someone is the newbie.” he said glumly, and my inner Goddess is just shaking from happiness while holding a banner calling Phase 1 a huge success.

“Sorry about that.” I said after a short pause.

“Don’t be, you didn’t do it Rose.” He replied.

“You know what, let’s go to the canteen. I know what’ll cheer you up.” And we went to the place.

Upon arriving there, his face lit up like a light bulb, displayed on the counter is an extra-extra large bowl of mashed potatoes (with gravy, duh!) and a huge side of fries. I didn’t even notice that he’s no longer at my side until I saw him carrying a tray with the bowl on top of it. Man is he addicted to potatoes.  

As I sat down next to him, I asked “Do you still have enough money for the week? It’s only Tuesday!” he suddenly stopped eating and widened his eyes in realization. I laughed and said “Don’t worry, you forgot to pay, I took care of it. Reserved it for you ‘cause I know the relationship you have with potatoes.” He laughed at that, I internally explode out of pure joy.

He (unexpectedly) hugged me and murmured to my left ear “You’re the best, Rose”. If I’m made out of candle wax than I would have been melted by now from his hot words *insert girly girl giggle*.

Now that I’m laying the foundation to our relationship, time to go start Phase 2 *insert overlord evil maniacal laugh*.


Graduation Day, everyone enrolled to the school whether they go here, been homeschooled or through online courses must attend because they said so. Ugh, I can’t stand seeing HIM and his house every time I go out, how much more here? And everyone in this school already knows that I nearly died due to suicide, so now I’m branded as “Undesirable No. 1”. At least I get a shortcut to get my diploma, I only have to go to the principal’s office and go home instead of going out to the gymnasium while wearing and smelling old graduation things while sitting on a seat with someone’s sweaty butt marked on in.  But I feel like even when I do my improvised way, something really bad is gonna happen to me. 

As I exit Mr. Brunner’s office, I went to my locker to vacate it for the summer (damn, I really forgot that I still have food in there…) and proceeded to the lavatory to wash the mold that stuck to my hands from the over-mutated, fuzzy, I-think-it’s-turkey-but-looks-like-microwaved-snot sandwich that I think I placed as my afternoon snack for the first day of school.

I leave the lavatory, grab my box and walked to the exit when...


I shouldn’t have shouted because firstly, I’m just across the gymnasium. Secondly, my clothes are shrinking so I look like I’m wearing Chihuahua sized clothes and thirdly, the liquid smells like Craig’s plant food and chlorine hydroxide (bleach for you non-chemists) which would be bad because people would rush out and find me smelling like chicken dung and hospital. My skin starts itching from its sensitivity to bleach and people come out rushing out with their noses and mouths covered, tears form in my eyes from the shame and embarrassment that I got into and I just ran, forgetting the box of things that miraculously survived the chlorinated dung thingy.

As expected, my “slip-up” reached the local newspaper and my horrendous picture is all over town so whenever I go out even just to go to the mailbox, people would look at me with lips pursed and eyes full of laughter. 

Days passed and I noticed in the picture my box of things picked up by a blonde… I don’t know there are a lot of blondes at West Edmond but I’m sure it isn’t… him because firstly, he’s in the picture too laughing his fucking ass off with none other than the backstabbing bitch. Then something clicked in my mind, and it quickly became clear who the culprit was and why neither of my “friends” showed up. They’re just shadows that comfort a fool, a fool like me and when trouble arises, they blend in the surroundings to make sure that their reputation doesn’t get stained. What an idiot I am for falling into their little games… What an idiot.


A whole week, a whole week until we get to see Jake for the summer. Firstly, we have to avoid the general crowd so we can go to Jake’s house but no ping since his house is mined to the top with cameras and reporters dying to get his words on his… accident. And secondly because we have to pay back the days we were gone when Jake was in the hospital.

So one night we snuck, we reached his house and knocked. His parents are surprised but they let us in. We crashed in their den to catch our breath since being chased half a mile by a mad Rottweiler can give even the fastest athlete a run for his life, Anna even managed to go back to sleep. His folks said we can stay here but we declined, we said we wanted to see Jake and that’s where they exchanged glances, not again.

But before we even got the chance to say what happened to him again, his dad’s cell rang and he answered, hanged up and ran to his car yelling “GET IN THE CAR. NOW!”

When we arrived, we saw an army of doctors and nurses around him and from the looks on their faces, if this charge of the deflibi-thingy doesn’t work…

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