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At first glance, Sky looked like your normal stereotype girl; brunette, tall, slender and all that damn crap but from what she did to those jocks and those faint but very familiar white lines, I can tell she’s a lot like me; a little anti-social, depressed and suicidal thinking? Maybe, but a homo to? Uh, no. She generally dislikes most boys (thanks to the little scene before.)

I realized that she’s waiting for my reply so I quickly apologized and said my name and that I’m new here. After that, Jace (hey! It’s shorter.) suddenly whispered to me “A little warning about her. Do not, in any and every circumstance, piss her off.” Unlucky for him that Sky heard Jace say PISS HER OFF so she blew a gasket at him, and to say she’s pissed doesn’t come near to what she did to Jace with that painful wrath of hers. Ok, I had enough violence for today now.

After two minutes, a very colorful vocabulary and 3 (thankfully hidden) bruises in Jace’s body she calmed down. “And she’s bipolar too...” I thought.

“So! Let’s feast.” Sky suddenly exclaimed and loudly agreed by our groaning stomachs. “Ooh! Someone’s hungry. Race you two, last one is his treat!” she said as she started running, now quickly followed by Jace. Gah! Not fair for me, good thing I have a fifty here or I’ll be broke.


You know the saying “Great power comes at a great price.”? Well, it perfectly fits to Sky’s food obsession, really. I can’t down FOUR sandwiches and TWO OJ bottles IN FIVE MINUTES, but Jace sees it as a daily thing so I just copied him and is now mentally groaning on how to make fifteen dollars last until Friday. (yeah... I lost) After Jace just finished his sushi when we heard...

“Hey guys!” rattled a unison of three voices in my mind, and as a normal human being I turned around and see a younger bangs-free version of Sky, a tall and curly blonde haired girl and a cute but familiar messy raven haired guy. “This must be their friends.” I thought, and as saying it out loud they turned around and introduced themselves.

            So after that short but confusing introduction, I finally sorted them out. So Sky junior is Annabelle Clyde, blondie here is Rosalie Stills and Mr. Raven hair here is Jonathan Manna. They all looked at me strangely then it hit me, it’s my turn to shine and be known (hahahaha...). After that very brief intro, a memory surfaced...

            I’m fourteen then and still living at San Fierro, my parents told me to go to the local drugstore to buy some first aid supplies. When I got there, I saw a blue-eyed, raven-haired guy. “Gods! He’s cute, shame he’s out of my league.” My brain thought, if the brain can do that. After getting the items I need and proceeded to check-out, which means passing by the condoms section. Passing by, I noticed a weird one and I must’ve staring at it for a while because I nearly crashed into the display stand behind me when someone touched my shoulder, I realized it was him.

“You do know there’s no age limit to buying those things, but you using that?” he asked casually at me. I blushed tomato red at that remark, then I noticed what he’s holding, a pack of condoms and a bottle of lube. Haha, my turn.

“I’m just looking at it. How about you? What are you going to do about those things you’re holding on to?” I asked, and it got my yearned reaction. He blushed a deeper shade of red and he stuttered. After a few attempts, I finally came to his rescue by saying “It’s ok, I understand you. Teenage hormones right?” and I left him there like a snake is coiling under his feet.

 After that brief moment, I registered the heat in my cheeks then looked up and saw that John (hey! I got it right.) is blushing to. Then it hit me.

 “It was you!” we exclaimed together, followed with some more blushing and then laughter. The others didn’t get it so we told the story and we laughed so hard that we’re all teary-eyed after that.


School’s out, it’s a free weekend and I’m finally going to downtown West Edmond with my five new friends to rock our booties back to shape and life. But with that comes a tiny hiccup, I have this strange gut feeling to Jace, not the “he’s-evil-so-stay-away” type but the... the... Gah, I can’t place a word to it.

And now I’m currently at Chance St. Bus stop, our rendezvous point, and sat there for about thirty minutes before they showed up. They’re in so much trouble with me because they said we’re gonna go at nine thirty and now it’s nearly nine fifty five. But all that disappointment is gone when I saw the person in front of the group, Jace.

He’s wearing a navy blue hoodie shirt, rugged dark blue pants and a matching colored beanie with Ray-Bans on. I think I want to melt now to a puddle of Jake, I just can’t help looking at him. I think my expression is something stupid looking ‘cause he smiled all of a sudden and that pushed it, I could feel my cheeks heating up as well as... something down under.


What’s the best thing to do on a free weekend? If you ask me, I’m going to the weekend flea market then around the Farmer’s Market and a quick but enjoyable break at Chatter’n Clatter Ice Cream Parlor. Yeah, and during that super awesome Saturday I bagged three of my favourite band’s albums that are signed and a new pencil holder for my study desk at home all for ten dollars. Yeah, I’m such a lucky bastard.

On the way home, we entered Axley Hi-way bus stop to hop a bus home, bad idea. The minute we entered, we saw Sky evil-looking a poster saying something in neon green:

                                                                                                             KRYPTONITE.  LIVE HERE AT WEST  EDMOND!

                                                                                                             OCT. 15-20, 2013  |  7 PM  |  WEHS GYMNASIUM

                                                                                                             FREE   ADMISSION  TO  ALL  WEHS  STUDENTS

She hates that band, and as the rest saw the poster and got the message, Sky shredded it to specks of dust and had blown her top so hard that it made Mt. St. Helens’ eruptions a fart and Hitler screaming for his mom, plus effectively clearing the crowd at the bus station so we got on with no hassle, though the conductor seems confused at that.

The trip home is beautiful, the sunset is just glorious over the Macabe Hills at the north. But we can’t enjoy the trip, not without worrying that Sky might go break in the Chemistry lab and make a mini nuclear bomb to throw at Kryptonite on their concert. Sometimes I wonder if that girl is half terrorist, half sumo wrestler (without the fat) and half artist, like she drinks the essence of Bin Laden, Fuji-whatever and Da Vinci for breakfast.

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