Mon Petit Rayon De Soliel

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you drank it."

"True." I chuckle and set the empty mug on the counter and shrug on my jacket. I quickly check my phone before leaving.

103 misses texts from Southern Mother Fucking Democratic Republicans

I sigh and put my phone into my pocket. Alex grabs my hand and starts walking towards our first class. I laugh as he drags me along.

I love this man.


Alex continues to drag me along throughout the day. Taking a break once to force me to buy him some coffee. We sit down under a tree along with the rest of Alex's friends. I take out my phone and check the notifications again.

1 missed text from Unknown Number

I raise an eyebrow. And tap the notification and check it.

Unknown- Thomas

ThomasJefferson- Who are you

Unknown- You'll see

ThomasJefferson- what in the fuck does that mean

Unknown- look upp


Unknown- do it dammit

I furrow my eyebrows but look up. I notice someone standing at the bottom of the hill the tree sits on. I squint at them, but can't make out anything. They start to walk towards me.

I notice them as a girl.

Bright blue eyes.

Bleach-blonde hair with magenta highlights in it that goes to her shoulders.

A white sweatshirt with a French flag on it.

Black jeans.

Pale skin.

Dark freckles sprinkled on her face.

Then it hits me.

She smiles at me. She's standing a few feet from me. I stand up and look down on her. She's short. I take a step towards her, then break out into a run and hug her tightly, picking her up and twirling her around. She giggles happily. I notice Alex and his friends are now staring at us. I put her down and place my hands on her shoulders and smile widely at her.

"Thomas. It's been a while." she giggles. I nod.

"It has hasn't it?" I notice Lafayette's eyes widen. He knows her as well. She sees him too.

"Gilbert!" she exclaims and rushes towards Lafayette, hugging him tightly. He hugs her back.

"Ah! It's been so long mon petit rayon de soleil!" he laughs. I smile at the two. It's been so long since either of us have seen her. Everyone states at us. Alex decides to speak up first.

"Laf. Thomas. Who's she?" I smile widely again.

"Guys. This is our old friend Sabrina."

"Dam right I am!" Sabrina laughs. I chuckle a bit as well. Lafayette is too busy crying in surprise and joy to laugh. She stands back up, and side hugs me, pulling Laf up and doing the same to him. He giggles a bit.

"Been friends since forever!" She says proudly. I chuckle.

"Since ninth grade isn't forever Sabrina." Lafayette laughs.

"Is to me!" I laugh. Sabrina was originally from Chicago, but moved to Virginia because her father got a job opportunity. Lafayette had moved to America, by then. Moved to Virginia where I lived first too. The three of us quickly became friends, being the only people who knew French at the school. Once me and Lafayette moved to New York we lost contact with her. Until now.

"Mhm." Alex hums. Sabrina perks up and looks at me and Laf.

"I have something important to tell you boys!" she says. Then promptly grabs us by our shirt collars and drags us off the hill. When we get to the base she turns to us.

"I moved to a New York officially today!" we cheer quietly for you.

"And that unknown number I texted y'all with was my new phone." she holds up an iPhone. Cool.

"And I'm going here for college!" this gets us by surprise but Lafayette's the first to squeal and hug her tightly.

"OH MON DIEU! Mon petit rayon de soleil is growing up!" he giggles. I laugh and hug her too. A little group hug.

I missed this little bitch.

And now she's here with us in College.

I'm so happy she's here.

I missed her so god damn much.


Sabrina is just a random character I came up with. She's not a real person I just wanted to give Lafayette and Thomas a new friend. She has a purpose don't worry~
Alright just wanted to clear that up.

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